Principal's report

Dr Lisa Vinnicombe

Welcome to the first newsletter in 2025!

It seems like a long time ago when we came together to celebrate the class of 2024 and heard from our valedictorian, Arwilla Victoria (pictured). We hope to report back on our students from last year soon and let you know some of the chosen pathways.


Our current year 12 cohort has started extremely well and already we are impressed with their attitude and effort. Please reach out to the year 12 team if you have concerns and do so sooner rather than later, so that any problems can be addressed early on.

The year 12 day to La Trobe was very successful and gave the students a taste of what university life could be. Year 11 and 12 have exclusive access to the Learning Centre as their own space, to work and have their classes, and we have let all of the other year levels know that their turn will come to use the space when they are in VCE.


The school council has met for the first time this year and I was delighted to be able to report on the start of the year: a stable staff, and a calm and orderly learning environment. We have worked hard for the past three years to raise our expectations across all aspects of school life and we continue to do so. We continue to work with the same four values:



High expectations

Continuous improvement

The Values shop will open on Tuesdays this year, in the Learning Centre.


The build is coming along quickly and photos below show just how far it has advanced since last year. We hope to be in the science wing early term 2, so the old science building can be demolished over the easter break.


NAPLAN is coming soon! Parents of students in years 7 & 9 have been contacted with the details. Please ensure that your child is at school on the day of their NAPLAN tests as it is important that we are able to collect this data.


SCOE - the Science Centre of Excellence will continue their partnership with JFC in 2025. Your child may be participating in a free excursion sometime this year - please be alert to any information that comes home and ensure that you have given permission to attend. This is a great partnership and we really value the opportunies offered to our students.


The swimming sports were held in week 3 and it was a fantastic day for everyone who attended. Congratulations to all the swimmers and we can now look forward to the Athletics Sports in term 2.


Melbourne Victory has commenced the program for 2025 and we are delighted to have three teams participating this year. Parents are reminded that payments are due so please contact the school of you would like to pay or set up a payment plan. We can't wait to see the students in uniform, but payment must be in before they will be allowed to show off their new kit. More from Ms Zoe Slatter in this newsletter.