Student Voice

Student Leadership Dinner



After school on Wednesday, 26 February, all the year 12 captains and SRCs gathered for the Student Leadership Presentation and Dinner. In the afternoon, the SRCs worked with the African Youth Alliance (AYA), focusing on student voice and its importance in school. 


Through interactive games and activities, our young leaders became energised and informed of how to hear the voices of their peers and channel them through to the SRC to create positive change in our school community. Later in the afternoon, alongside the year 12 captains, the SRC split up into house groups to address different topics based on a survey completed last year, including school climate, learning disposition, and student safety. Within each house, students collaborated to brainstorm exciting and realistic ways to improve overall student engagement and enjoyment of school, such as the development of a peer mentoring system, homeroom and pastoral activities, and the redevelopment of religion classes, to name a few. Students used their public speaking skills to present to the many families that gathered for our presentation. 


Afterwards, we all enjoyed a lovely dinner cooked and served by our VET hospitality students. Overall, the night was a resounding success and was enjoyed by all students and parents in attendance.


Kiara Lay – School Captain