School Council News

School Council Meetings

The first meeting of the 2025 School Council is Wednesday 19th March at 7.30pm


The dates of the next Committee meetings are as follows:

Community Voice: TBA

Buildings, Grounds and Sustainability: Thursday 13th March - 6.30pm

Finance: Monday 17th March - 6.30pm

Parent Association:  Friday 28th March - 9.15am

School Council Committees

The work of School Council happens within the committees and are an important aspect of its function and success.  Our School Council has the following committees:


Finance- responsibilities include: reviews the monthly finance reports (including income and expenditure), discusses the spending priorities of the school, including liaising with PA on the priorities that may influence fundraising, discusses and recommends the parent voluntary contributions. 


Community Voice - responsibilities include:coordinates the development and updating of school policies (ensuring input from parents, staff and students as required), discusses opportunities and issues that have a direct influence on student learning and wellbeing. 


Buildings, Grounds and Sustainability - responsibilities include: identify opportunities for the development of the school's physical environment and assist the school in coordinating the work to be completed, organise working bees as required to assist in the maintenance of the grounds.


We also have a Grants Working Party operating this year.  This working party will be responsible for identifying grants that the school could access and assisting in the submission process where appropriate. 


Each year we call for members of the school community to join the committees. This is an opportunity for the school community to work on a committee that enables them to use their skills, offer their expertise or work on an area of interest.


By joining a committee there is no obligation to attend School Council, however you would be asked to meet at least twice a term with the committee. If you would like to become a member of a Committee please register with this link.


Please submit the form by 4pm Thursday 20th March 2025.