School News

Labour Day
Next Monday (10th March) is a public holiday to celebrate Labour Day - the school is not open on Monday.
Leadership Assembly
We will be holding a special assembly on Friday 14th March to present leadership badges to our 2025 Year 6 student leaders and to our 2025 JSC members.
Parents are welcome to attend.
As this will be a longer than usual assembly, it will commence at 2.40pm.
NAPLAN will be held in March again this year. Our Year 3 and Year 5 students will be completing the tests on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week (12th, 13th and 14th March).
Students will complete four assessments - Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy. The students in Year 3 will complete their Writing assessment on paper, all other tests for both Year 3 and Year 5 will be completed online.
Parents will receive individual student reports later in the year.
Parent Teacher Conferences
The Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday 2nd April in the afternoon and evening (exact times will be advised). These will be held face to face (there may be some options provided for online appointments, please watch Compass for further details). Parents will be asked to sign up for their appointments through COMPASS.
End of Term
The last day of Term One is Friday 4th April. Students will be dismissed at 2:30pm.
Beginning of Term 2
School resumes onTuesday 22nd April (Monday 21st April is Easter Monday).
The ANZAC Day public holiday is Friday of the first week (25th April).
Prep Ice Breaker and Family Fiesta - Thank You
It is lovely each year to welcome new families to our school community. Thank you to the Parents’ Association and our Year 1 parents for organising the Prep Ice Breaker again this year. We look forward to working with our new families for many years to come.
Thank you also to the Parents' Association for running the Family Fiesta last Sunday. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to get to know each other and bring our community together.