Principal's News

Updating Familiy Details
The beginning of the new school year is a great time to remind parents to audit their child's personal information held by the school.
We have need to contact parents throughout the year for a range of reasons including first aid (illness/injuries), discussing learning needs and development with parents, sending COMPASS notifications and events, children being picked up late, late excursion permissions, text messaging in the morning if a child is absent without an explanation, contacting parents in an emergency, etc.
Since our return to school this year we have had several families where the contact details of parents or emergency contacts have changed and the school has not been informed. In addition some emergency contacts have moved away from the Malvern area and cannot get to the school in a timely manner to support the child if needed.
It is important that as phone numbers, email addresses and residential addresses change, the school is informed. Parents can do this by emailing Jeanette at This will ensure we are always able to contact parents (or emergency contacts) when we need to, to support the welfare and education of our students.
We ask that all parents take a few minutes over the next week to audit their COMPASS portal to ensure the information held by the school is accuate. Please note if you change your details in Compass yourself, the school office will not get the update, so please email the school to make the changes.
Whole School Activities
This year we have mapped out several whole school events to add depth to our programs and promote connection between students across the school.
In Term One this will include Ride to School Day and Harmony Day. As it happens both of these events fall on the 21st March.
We hope students will ride, scoot or walk to school (or at least part of the way) on the 21st March and join in the fun activities before school.
We also invite students to join in the fun of Harmony Day and for parents to attend our assemby at the end of the day.
Compass notifications have already gone home and each event has a page in this newsletter with more details.
Robyn James