Student Awards

Junior Campus

Students of the Week 


Zoe S, PC - for showing kindness and care to her classmates, and is always ready to lend a helping hand!


Frankie F, PD - for showing such maturity in the classroom. You are helpful and kind. Well done!


HERRRBy Awards


Aurelia R, 2C - for always showing kindness, care and respect to others. Your thoughtfulness does not go unnoticed. What a superstar!


Carl F, 2D - for being an amazing person, always kind, caring, respectful, thoughtful and diligent in all that he does.


Green HERRRBY Award  


Josh S, 1C - for always making sure his lunch order wrappers are in the bin. Thanks for doing your bit to keep our school tidy. 


Ivy C, 1C -  for always being kind and thoughtful towards your 1D friends. You are such a wonderful friend!



Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Jack C, PB - for always working enthusiastically and enjoying Japanese activities during lessons.  すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!


Jack P, 1A - for demonstrating HERRRBy values and showing good Japanese skills during lessons. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!


Skyler F, 2B - for trying her best and enthusiastically participating in Japanese class activities. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Maya T, PB - for enjoying Japanese activities and her neat work during  lessons.

すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!


Isaac V, 1A - for always working enthusiastically and demonstrating very good Japanese skills during  class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Poppy J, 2B - for showing a good understanding of the Hiragana chart and enjoying Hiragana activities during  Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Rosie G, PA - for your amazing resilience in continually working to improve your letter formation and pencil grip. You're a superstar!


Naomi S, PA -  for being a fantastic member of PA! You are always listening and contributing during lessons with such enthusiasm. Well done, Naomi!


Lucas B, PB -  for being a responsible learner in Prep B, I love how you give everything a go with a big smile!


Rafael B, PC -  for easily settling into the school day, listening carefully and following instructions! Well done!


Maya T, PB - for settling well at school and your positive enthusiasm during classroom learning. I love how you give everything a go! 


Berk G, PD - for improving your pencil grip, keep practicing and you will be an excellent writer!


Charlotte R, 1A - for her happy and sunny disposition and settling so well into her new school and Grozzy’s Gang.  


Oscar B, 1B -  for his  brilliant classification of the attributes in 2D shapes. You stumped the whole class!


Sofia B, 1B -  for settling into Gardenvale and already consistently showing HERRRby values!


Sasha G, 1B -  for always trying her best and having a positive outlook on life.


Alyssa H, 1C - for your highly organized and conscientious approach to all your classwork. You are a terrific role model for your classmates in 1C to look up to. 


Stella F, 1D - for working on your smooth transition into school in the morning - well done you!


Arlo S, 2A - for being really involved in classroom discussions. I love hearing your questions and answers!    


Lexi Plotkin, 2A -  for her writing about the first day of Grade 2. The structure and details in your sentences were exquisite. Keep it up!   


Lonnie J, 2B - for coming into school with a smile. We love your enthusiasm for learning and always trying your best in everything you do. What a superstar!


Rafi M, 2B -  for always being ready to listen to the speaker, participate in class discussions and getting straight to work on given tasks. You are Amazing!


Aurelia Fear, 2C - for always encouraging your peers and displaying a positive attitude. Well done!


Lucy M, 2D - for being a wonderful  2D class member and having a positive mindset.