Environment & Sustainability at GPS

Hello everybody in the GPS community!


This coming Tuesday, March 11th, we have 3 cubic metres of compost being delivered to our Womindjeka Garden at the Senior Campus between 8am and 9am. Please, if you can, come along and join me from 9am onwards as we mix this into our existing garden beds. Bring your own shovel or pitch fork if possible. You don’t need to email just turn up.    


Over the past few weeks, the students (during Garden Club on Tuesdays) have done a great job digging out old plants and other undesired objects from our very dry beds. If we adults can mix this compost in (with the soil that is currently there) properly, the kids will be able to commence planting this month.


We make our own compost from our food scraps at school but on this occasion, we need so much more compost than we have generated ourselves. We want to have these garden beds full with quality soil.


You might recall in the first GPS Newsletter of 2025 we mentioned the yabbies in our billabong.  At that time, we didn’t realise one of our female yabbies had given birth to babies! Some of these babies are now on display in a glass tank in the Year 4 corridor. It’s very exciting!


I look forward to seeing some of you wonderful GPS parents just after 9am on Tuesday March 11th. (please ensure that you have a current WWC card and have completed the Parent Volunteer form on Compass, if you wish to assist)


Yours in Education


Tim McRae, co-ordinator for Environment and Sustainability at GPS