Principal's Report


We will be thrilled to welcome the Preps for their first Wednesday at School on  the 12th of March. It is pleasing to see the excitement and energy generating from all the Prep classrooms and how well the students have settled in and embraced their first year of primary school.


Wine and Cheese Night

The Parent Wine and Cheese Night was held in our Senior Courtyard last Thursday. Thank you to all the parents that were able to support the evening, and I heard that a great night was had by all. A big thank you to the following organisers and companies for their time, effort and generosity in making the event possible; Robyn Krawitz, Hugh Maguire, Lisa Cohen, Tanya Shulman, Fran Labraca, Mikki Blum, Eszter Mitchell, Reka Szentkiralyi, Jen and Marc Robinson, Stomping Ground and Wolf of the Willows Brewing. 



Working Bee

A reminder that we have our Working Bee for the Year 2 and 6 families on Sunday 16th March from 9.00am to 11.00am. We encourage and would love to have many families, Mums, Dads, and children attend and help make our grounds and buildings spick and span!


District Swimming Carnival

On Thursday 20th February, 28 of our Year 4 to 6 students represented our school at the District Swimming Carnival at the GSAC complex. Our students gave it their best as they competed and cheered their peers on. Gardenvale PS finished 3rd overall.   Thank you to Kirsten Travis, Nathan Grant and Naga Koswara for their organisation and support of this event and to all the parents that were able to be there at GSAC to cheer and encourage the swimmers. Eight of our students have qualified to represent the Balaclava District, in the Beachside Division Championships on the 7th of March. 


Year 4 to 6 Camps

It has been a very busy time with school camps. Our Year 6s were on camp last week at the Ranch in Boneo. This week it is our Year 4s away at Oasis Camp in Mount Evelyn and our Year 5s head off next Tuesday to Grantville. An extraordinary amount of work goes on behind the scenes, by our teachers prior to the camps taking place, to ensure all runs smoothly.  I am so grateful to our amazing staff who have, or will, give up time away from their family and normal activities to enable these camps to happen. Camps can’t run without this, so my sincere thanks to all teachers, teacher aides and parents who attended and worked so hard to give our students a fabulous and memorable experience. 



Next week from Wednesday 12th to Monday 24th March, the Year 3 and Year 5 students will be undertaking the annual NAPLAN tests. Students in both year levels undertake assessments in numeracy, reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, vocabulary and grammar). Students will be completing the NAPLAN tests online, except for the Year 3 Writing test.


2025 Curriculum Days 

Last week School Council approved our final two Curriculum Days for the year: - 

  • Tuesday 22nd April – The Syntax Project

  • Wednesday 28th May– Assessment and Reporting

These two days will be ‘Pupil Free Days’ and Team Kids will be running full day programs.


Have a lovely long weekend,
