Important Dates

Bell Times

8.55amLocker Bell
9.00amPeriod 1
10.16amPeriod 2
11.30amMorning Break
12.16pmPeriod 3
1.30pmAfternoon Break
2.01pmPeriod 4

College Calendar

The College Calendar is updated on a regular basis and can be found on our website  under the News/Events (at the bottom of the page) and then by clicking the Calendar/Term Dates link.


2025 Term Dates

Term 1:  30th January - 4th April

Term 2: 22nd April - 4th  July

Term 3: 21st July - 19th September

Term 4: 6th October - 19th December (TBC)



Summary of Important Dates:

Wednesday 26th MarchStudent Lead Conferences (Student free day)

Tuesday 1st April

Friday 4th April

Student Lead Conferences (Student free day)

End of Term 1 - early dismissal - 2.30pm


Monday 17th 


Yr 10 Outdoor Ed - Kayaking


Tuesday 18th March


Senior Boys Volleyball

Cultural activity - break 1


Wednesday 19th


School Council Sub-committee meetings 6pm

School Council AGM (Annual General Meeting) 6.30pm


Thursday 20th


NMR Senior Tennis


Friday 21st  


Yr 10 War Memorial incursion

Harmony Week and Fashion Show - free dress day


Monday 24th


Year 7 REACH session

VCE Information Session - online

Year 6 (2025) into Year 7 (2026) Information session - online 6pm


Tuesday 25th

Year 7 Round Robin


Wednesday 26th

Student Led Conferences (Student Free Day)


Thursday 27th

NMR Swimming

VCE Theatre Studies - Jekyll & Hyde 7.30pm


Friday 28th

2025 Harvest Ed Victoria (selected students)


Tuesday 1st

Student Led Conferences (Student Free Day)

Year 11 Presentation Ball rehearsal 6.30pm


Wednesday 2nd

VCE Top Designs PDT, VCD & Textiles 

VM City Experience

Year 11 Presentation Ball rehearsal 6.30pm


Friday 4th

End of Term 1 - 2.30pm dismissal