Maths and Numeracy

Mr O'Shea

Leader of Learning - Mathematics and Numeracy

In the Maths classrooms at Cranbourne Secondary College, our focus is on linking mathematical concepts to real-world applications. Our learning architecture is focused on engaging all students in classroom work by providing a range of learning opportunities, including collaborative work where students can learn from their peers and a more hands-on-oriented curriculum with a focus on problem-solving.


SPARX Maths online homework

All Year 7-10 students at the college are required to complete a weekly online homework program for Maths titled SPARX. The program is designed to be done independently where students are provided with questions at an appropriate level that consolidates the learning already undertaken in class, with videos of worked examples provided to support them. Homework will not be set during CAT period or school holidays.



Our Year 7 and Year 9 students will be completing their NAPLAN assessments this term beginning on the 12th of March. In the lead up students will be provided opportunities to familiarise themselves with the online nature of the assessment and the style of questions that will appear. The Maths team wants to remind students to use this as an opportunity to show us their ability, and we wish them the best of luck with the upcoming assessments.


Maths/Numeracy Support

At the college, we aim to provide teaching that is challenging but achievable to all students regardless of their level. In Years 7-9 we have Numeracy Coaching classes set up providing small group classes where students identified as needing additional support are provided with instruction at an appropriate level. We also have a team of tutors available who are able to offer in class support for selected students and free tutoring is also available to students at all year levels and abilities through our afterschool Study On program, hosted in the library afterschool Monday to Thursday.


If you have any questions regarding any of the above-mentioned programs, please contact me on the college number or email directly at