State Schools' Relief

SIndi Fischer

SSR CoordinatorMusic Coordinator

State schools relief have been an amazing resource to help our students and their families.

They offer the following items: 

  • Uniform. - shirts, trousers, shorts, PE shorts, shoes, socks, underwear, basic VET uniform (hi-vis shirts, work pants and work boots -  not the polo tops), hats, beanies, stationery and a voucher worth $85 for a logoed (uniform shop) item such as a winter skirt, PE shirt, dress, jumpers and jackets. They only allow 1 voucher item at a time and max 3 per year for a student. For those needing multiple voucher items,  I will endeavour to help families as needed and have a large selection of donated used Jackets, new grey (older style) woollen jumpers, dresses (older style) and PE shirts.
  • State Schools’ Relief also offers reading glasses for students who may need glasses and have not had them before.
  • Travel Passes - monthly passes issued for travel on any PTV vehicle for the month. The aim is to help students get to school, but they are an amazing asset for us with excursions requiring trains, as it takes the fare barrier away from the family and has more students attend.  
  • CAS calculators for VCE students are usually available during Term 1, depending on funding.

Please note that State Schools Relief are currently inundated with orders and are averaging a 4 week turnaround. They are hiring more personnel to get the orders out earlier, but this will affect turnaround on students receiving uniforms.


If you require any further information or need assistance with uniform or State Schools’ Relief assistance please contact Sindi Fischer at the College (Tuesday and Thursday).