Library News
Mrs Cousens
Library Manager
Library News
Mrs Cousens
Library Manager
BIG Summer Read
To combat the 'summer slide' in literacy over the holidays, Public Libraries Victoria offered a Statewide reading program to children up to 18. Schools are partnering with public libraries in this important reading and literacy initiative.
All students were invited to read and record 10 books from 1st December 2024 to 31st January 2025.
Students were invited to collect a reading log sheet from our library and post it in the BIG Summer Read box, including a book review on one of their books, for a school prize of a $50 Booktopia Gift Voucher!
All participants in the BIG Summer Read were rewarded with certificates, canteen vouchers, and other treats.
This year, Bhuvi 9E, won the $50 Booktopia gift voucher for reading 20 books from the 1st of December to 31st January! Her two book reviews were beautifully written with a positive message.
Onome Jegede’s Work Placement Celebration – End of Term 4 2024
Thank you Raf, Reggie, George Massouris, Kerrie-Ann, Julie, Mark and Jason for attending Onome Jegede’s morning tea celebration last term.
Onome was super excited to receive her awards and gifts for her valuable contribution during her work placement at our college.
Library Lunchtime Clubs – Term 1
Our library lunchtime clubs have begun. Note, changes will be made when the library is renovated this year.
Senior Study Space (Mon/Wed): Year 11 & 12 students have access to LIBM for quiet private study
Book Club (Tuesday): Years 7 to 12 - CBCA Shadow Judging, creative responses to books, author book launches, and book chats.
Chess Club (Thursday): Years 7 to 12 - run by Ms Brassachio & Mr Taylor. Chess games and tournaments.
Writers Collective (Friday): Year 7 to 12 – run by Mr Greaves. Student-created college newspaper.
Study On (Monday to Thursday): will start after school soon.
Historical Society Book Donations
Cranbourne Historical Society has kindly donated some wonderful resources for students and staff to explore our local history. It is also well worth visiting Fisherman’s Cottage Museum at Tooradin on a Sunday (12pm to 4pm) to find out more about our past!
Library Lovers’ Day – Friday 14 February
We celebrated Library Lovers’ Day this year with the following events:
Book reviews on the blind dates were placed in a lucky draw for some romantic prizes. We matched the students to their preferred speed book dates for the chance of a second date!
Some feedback students shared on the hearts for ‘I love my Library because…”: