Religious Education

Advent @ St Finbar's
A big thank you to Year 4M for leading us in our first Advent liturgy last week. The theme of hope was beautifully shared, reminding us to trust in God’s promises as we begin this sacred season.
Today, it was Year 2F’s turn to host, focusing on the theme of peace. Through their thoughtful prayers and reflections, we were reminded of the peace Jesus brings to our hearts and how we can share that peace with others in our daily lives.
We look forward to next week’s liturgy and continuing this meaningful journey through Advent together. Thank you to all the students and staff for their contributions to these special celebrations.
Gospel Reflection - Sunday 8th December
Gospel Reading
John preaches repentance and baptizes in the region of the Jordan.
Family Connection
During the season of Advent, we choose to add many activities to our family's schedule to prepare for our celebration of Christmas. John the Baptist reminds us that our repentance is another way in which we can prepare for the Lord's coming and our celebration of Christmas. Parish communities often offer a communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Advent season. Your family might choose to participate in the communal celebration of the sacrament, or you might seek out this sacrament on an individual basis.
Read together today's Gospel, Luke 3:1-6. Talk about how John the Baptist called upon the people to prepare the way of the Lord through repentance. Together as a family, prepare a simple reconciliation service in preparation for Christmas. Gather in a prayerful space, perhaps around the family Advent wreath. Read again from today's Gospel, Luke 3:1-6. Invite each family member to pray silently, asking God to forgive his or her sins. Pray together the Act of Contrition. Then celebrate God's forgiveness by sharing the sign of peace with one another.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader