Principal's Report

Here we are at the end of another school year! It has been a wonderful year. Thank you to all parents for your support this year. It definitely makes the job easier knowing that there is such a supportive group of staff and parents behind us.
We manage to pack a lot into each year at St Finbar's, and this year was no exception. I always enjoy hearing our Year 6 students reflect upon their time at St Finbar's at their Graduation. Memories of teachers and friendships always play a big part in these reflections, but the Year 6s also mention our 'big events' - camps, school productions, Italian Days and sporting events. It is these events that create lasting memories for our students.
We are farewelling 39 families this year, mainly from Year 6 , many of whom have been a part of the St Finbar's community for many years. We wish those families well for the future and are grateful for the time that you have been part of our community.
Please have a happy, safe and joyous Christmas with your families and I look forward to what 2025 has to offer our amazing community.
Merry Christmas from all of us!
Our Year 6s Final Week
Our Year 6 students have a busy week ahead as they prepare for their graduation and subsequent departure from St Finbar's. It is a momentous time for our Year 6 students and we aim to make the coming days as memorable for them as possible. We are especially looking forward to tonight's graduation which begins with Mass at 5pm, dinner with parents in the hall and a student disco.
Please note the following dates for the Year 6 student activities:
- Thursday 12th December - Year 6 Graduation Mass and Dinner
- Friday 13th December - Year 6 v's Staff Annual Basketball Match
- Monday 16th December - Year 6 Big Day out @ Gumbuya World
- Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of School for all students - traditional Year 6 Send off starting at 12:45pm
2025 'Up Day' and classroom allocations
Tomorrow (13th December) all returning students will be meeting their new classroom teacher and classmates between 9:15am and 11am. Any students who will not be returning to St Finbar's next year will be supervised during this time. New students who are starting with us in 2025 will also be joining us tomorrow.
Mrs McDonald talks more about Up Day on the Deputy Principal page of this newsletter. It is often a day of big emotions, and some students may be disappointed if they are not placed in a class with their best friends. If this is the case, we do ask that you see this as an opportunity to build resilience in your children and encourage a growth mindset.
Please note that all class lists are now finalised and there will be no changes made after tomorrow.
Reports will be available in the Parent Portal after 1pm on Friday 13th December.
NForma has decomissioned their old Parent Portal and each parent will be required to update the link that they use the Portal and/or download the Parent Portal App. This will also be emailed to you at report time.
Year Books
We're very excited to announce that we are introducing a St Finbar's Year Book. This is a great memento of 2024 and will include photos and highlights of all that we have done this year such as the Art Show, Sacraments and sporting achievements. Each class has a number of pages dedicated to them. There is a cost of $25 for each year book, and ordering/purchasing will happen through Operoo. Please look out for the Operoo notification. We expect the books to be delivered in February and we can facilitate delivery to families that have already left the school. Please consider purchasing a Year Book as they really will be a great memory for your child.
Farewell to Father Clem
At the ripe old age of 93, Father Clem has decided that the time is right to finally retire. We'll miss seeing Fr Clem around St Finbar's but we wish him well as he settles into his new life in at George Maher House in Clifton Hill with other retired priests.
Take care and God bless,
Michelle Hill