Year Three - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families, 


Next week we are learning about...


Religious Education Focus: Grade 3 will continue to exploreJesus' Mission and how we can spread his light through our actions. We will also begin to discuss concepts around reconciliation and forgiveness. 


English Focus: We have started reading Matilda by Roald Dahl. This is a book is about a brilliant, magical little girl who's miserable at home with her nasty, clueless parents and oppressed at school by her mean headmistress, Miss Trunchbull. However, Matilda finds a loving, kindred spirit in her teacher, Miss Honey, who values her pupils and ends up giving Matilda a loving and supportive home. 


Mathematics Focus Grade 3 have been exploring place value to 6 digits. We have played games like mastermind to practice using the language of hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Students are exploring what the values in a number mean and how it represents an amount. 


Auslan Focus: We have made a start on learning greetings, using eye contact and the importance of facial expressions. Grade 3 have also been practicing using their dominant hand (the hand they write with) to make the signs. Next weeks we will continue with greetings to add to our communication skills. 


Week 3Event
MondayA, B, C all have Media Arts
TuesdayD has Media Arts
FridayAll classess have PE

This week's highlights...

Community meeting each week to watch the assembly, to celebrate birthdays and cover any expectations, or events that are comming up. 


This weeks Social emotional learning also looked at naming a range of emotions. 3A had fun drawing emoji to go with them. 

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Staff MembersEmail Address
3A - Angela
3A - Jessica
3B - Cass
3B - Lance
3C - Jane
3D - Gurbiner
3D - Sarah