Child Safe &
Child Safe &
Dear families,
As we begin Term 1 of the new school year, it is timely that we share a few of our responses to common breaches of our school wide expectations.
Our expectations of all members of our school community are to Be (and do) safe, Give (and receive) respect and engage in learning. Where students are unable to meet these expectations we have some shared responses that can be expected.
Targeted explicit and/or racist language
If students use language to hurt another person through swearing or racial slurs the school's response will be to support that child to make a phone call to their parent and repeat the language used. A second incident in the same term will result in a phone call and the need for the child to be picked up and go home to discuss and complete a reflection sheet to be returned signed by parent and child. A re-entry meeting will be held on the next school day.
Deliberate mess or damage to school property
If students choose to make a deliberate mess in a toilet (water, soap, urine or faeces), to write on buildings or items parents will be called. The student will be asked to call and explain behaviour with the parent. Parents will potentially be asked to come and support or pay for cleaning/repair.
Repeated Physical acts towards others to hurt or harm
If students choose to use physical actions to hurt or harm other people (students/staff) they will be supported to move away and will be required to make a phone call to their parent/s and share what intentional behaviour was used to hurt. If this behaviour is repeated (on a day or on subsequent days) parents will be called and the student will be collected from school. At home they will discuss and complete a reflection sheet which is to be signed by parent and child. A re-entry meeting will be held on the next school day.
I hope that this information supports parents to understand how our expectations are consequenced when a breach occurs. At all times the dignity of the child is maintained which may sometimes seem to other students that nothing happened. Please feel confident that action is taken when we are made aware of breaches.
Please find a social script here we have shared with our students on physical contact.
Kindest regards,
Jen Gulavin
Deputy Principal -Inclusive Education
See the flyer below for the very important Cybersafety event coming up. Essential for all parents... 3rd March 2025.