Year Six - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Parents and Carers of Bethlehem Community,


Our students have been doing an excellent job adjusting to the school wide expectations and routines. With each day they are becoming more confident in following these guidelines that make our school environment positive and supportive.


Thanks to all parents who have signed up the Digital Technologies Agreement form on PAM. Those who not yet signed the form are kindly requested to do so at your earliest, so that your child can access the devices. 


This week students' learnt…...


Religious Education Focus


Students learnt about significant places from the Bible, focusing on Bethlehem and its importance in scripture. At our morning prayer students are touching base on the ‘2025 Jubilee of Hope’ and are learning how to be ambassadors of the Hope journey.

We are Pilgrims of Hope
We are Pilgrims of Hope


English Focus

Reading: This term we are using the text ‘Rivet Boy by Barbara Henderson’.  This week, we focused on activating students’ background Historical knowledge to enhance their understanding and make meaningful connections to the story. Next week students will read and respond to queries from our class novel, ‘Rivet Boy’. 

Writing: This week our focus was on sentence-level writing and text-level narrative writing, building strong foundational skills. Next week students will be assessed by participating in the writing task  known as ‘No more marking’.


Mathematics Focus

Students explored prime, composite, and triangular numbers, learning to identify and work with these special types of numbers. Next week students will be learning to use factors to simplify multiplication calculations.


Integrated Studies Focus

Our Australian History unit began with a pre-assessment to gauge students' existing knowledge about Australian history before exploring colonisation and its impact. Next week, students will investigate colonial Australia in the 1800’s. Students will look at the founding of the British colonies and the development of a colony.


Social & Emotional Learning Focus

Our focus this week was on understanding the importance of trusted adults—who they are, how they support us, and why they matter. They will continue their learning on Personal strengths for this term.


Auslan Focus

In Auslan, we began focusing on greetings and essential signs such as hello, goodbye, thank you, and please. Next week we will continue our learning to use facial expressions to show our feelings compared to changing the tone in our voice when we speak. 

Week 3Event
Monday6B & 6C Sports Uniform
Tuesday6A Sports Uniform / 6D Visual Arts / SSTS 
Thursday6D Sports Uniform / 6A Visual Arts
Friday6B & 6C Visual Arts 


All students are required to wear a wide brim hat for recess and lunch time.

Students need an art smock for Visual Art.

Please complete the Camp Survey. 

Contact Us  OR

Staff MembersEmail Address
6A - Shiromi
6A - Alison
6B - Carol
6C - Dalton
6D - Shaun Van