Important dates 

Upcoming events   
Mon 10th FebruaryGoverning Council Meeting 7pm
Wed 12th FebruaryAcquaintance Night 
Friday 14th FebruarySamantha's Yr 2/3 Class Assembly
Friday 21st FebruaryAlex's Class Tuck Shop*
Thursday 27th FebruaryCourier Cup Swimming
Friday 28th FebruaryStephen's Yr 3/4 Class Assembly
Mon 10th MarchPublic Holiday
Tuesday 11th MarchParents and Friends Meeting 7pm
Friday 14th MarchAlex's Yr 4/5 Class Assembly
Monday 17th MarchGoverning Council Meeting 7pm
Friday 21st MarchHarmony Day and JAM band performance*
24th-28th MarchLearning Discussions
Friday 28th MarchKelly's Class Tuck Shop*
Friday 28th MarchSallie's Yr 5/6 Class Assembly
Thursday 4th AprilDistrict Athletics
Friday 5th AprilSports Day
Friday 12th AprilEnd of term assembly 1:30pm 
Friday 12th AprilEarly Dismissal 2:10pm

*Please note for your budget planning, these items have a cost for families involved. 

 Pupil Free/ School Closure Days 
Monday 5th MayPupil Free Day- Wellbeing training for staff
Friday 6th JunePupil Free Day - Mathematics training for staff                                                          
Monday 3rd NovSchool Closure Day - Uraidla Show