School News

A note from Cheryl
Happy new year and Happy new school year to all!
I would like to make a special mention of the year 6 students this week.
I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with the year 6 students at their aquatic camp, along with Sallie and some parents.
I noticed all of the students working 'collaboratively' and respectfully with each other and all of the adults, whilst setting up tents, taking part in activities, having free time and eating dinner.
It was great to see and be part of!
Cheryl Pollard
(Pastoral Care Worker)
Child Protection Curriculum
You may be interested to know that in addition to our assessed areas of the curriculum, we also teach child protection across the school. The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people from age 3 to year 12. It teaches children to:
- recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it
- understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching
- understand ways of keeping themselves safe.
The KS:CPC is mandated in all public schools and is taught every year by our class teachers who have completed a full day KS:CPC training course. It is a world-class, evidence-based child safety program that is used by a range of other Australian and international schools. If you would like more information about the content of this curriculum please follow this link to the Department for Education website Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for parents and carers (,or feel free to contact me or your child's teacher.
Emergency procedures test text message
On Friday 31st January all parents and caregivers should have received a test text message in preparation for bushfire or other emergencies. The message read:
This is a test message from Uraidla Primary School in preparation for our emergency procedures. Do not reply to this message (unless to let us know it was sent to you in error). Thank you, Margie
If you did NOT receive this message, please contact the front office to inform us or to update your contact details. In case of bushfire or other emergencies, we will use this service to communicate with families, for example, changes to school pick-up times or school closures. Note that our school is scheduled to close on catastrophic days.
Our school has detailed plans in place to keep your child safe in the event of a bushfire:
We encourage you to read the Department’s Bushfire and your child’s school or preschool brochure for more information on school closures and how we will act if threatened by a bushfire. Search ‘bushfire information’ at
Boys' Toilets Makeover
The Parents and Friends have been at it again! This time they have painted inspirational messages and illustrations on the wall of the boys' toilets. Aren't they wonderful? Now all of the student toilets have been completed. Our kids are so lucky to have volunteer parents who are willing to spend their holidays working on projects to make the school an even more welcoming place for them.
Thank you to:
Niccola Phillips
Amanda Preskett
Jess Gerrard
Anna Price, and
Carrie Williamson
Parents and Friends
The Parents and Friends met this week and we have lots of exciting plans for the year.
*** Would you like to join us? *** We now meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm twice a term.
Here is some general information about Parents and Friends:
We are a group of parents and friends of the school, who share the vision of an inclusive and welcoming school community. We focus on activities that raise funds for the school for equipment and experiences and provide opportunities to bring everyone together and feel part of our community. Best of all we have a lot of fun and laughs while doing it.
We meet twice a term, and everyone volunteers to run or support different activities throughout the year. You can join the committee, or we welcome volunteers for events and activities.
To join, come along to a meeting (dates in the yearly planner), send a SeeSaw message to Margie or email to express your interest in helping out with events.
Many schools don't allow dogs on their grounds, At Uraidla Primary School we love welcoming dogs but we are mindful of keeping everyone safe and comfortable around dogs. Due to this, we ask that if you bring a dog onto the school grounds you keep to the oval side of the paths, so children and adults can approach safely and pass without disturbance. We also feel this is better for the dogs so they don't get overwhelmed and startled by the loud noises and large amounts of people. Please always keep your dog on a lead in and around the school grounds including the carpark area by the town oval where there are often small children. Thank you for your consideration and for adhering to the rules allowing dogs to continue coming to Uraidla Primary.
Uniform Ordering
Did you know our school uniforms can now be ordered through Flexi Schools? We have the whole range available for you to order through the Flexi schools app. Place your order online and we will get the order packaged and delivered to your child.
Alternatively, please come into the front office on a Monday or Friday for a viewing/fitting or to purchase.
Enrolment in Reception
If you have a child turning 5 in the next 12 months, they should have already enrolled to start school. Children either start school at the start of the year or in July, depending on their age.
Our school has now reached capacity, which means that we give priority enrolment to children in our catchment area. Please note that younger siblings of existing students are guaranteed enrolment.
If you are speaking to other families about enrolling in school, they can find their local school through the Find My School website: Find a school zone or preschool catchment area (
Enrolments for mid entry 2025 should already be finalised. Enrolments for start of 2026 due by the end of term 2. Please contact the front office for a registration of interest form today!
If you are still unsure or interested in booking a school tour please contact the office on 8390 3209 and book into one of the below time slots.
10am Monday 24th February
10am Thursday 13th March
10am Wednesday 14th May
10am Tuesday 3rd June
Maria's Kitchen