Chaplain's Chat

Inspired by Hope
‘Inspired by hope’ is our theme for this year as we reflect as a school on the past and look to the future, just as the church looks back to what Jesus has done on the cross and looks forward to the hope of glory Jesus achieved for our future.
2025 marks not only the 20th Anniversary of Moama Anglican Grammar, but also the 160th Anniversary of Christ Church Anglican Echuca, the centre for worship for the Anglican Parishes of Echuca Moama.
At our school we also want our students to bring hope to others, learning to love and help others through service. Our service learning opportunities are a great avenue to achieve this, so I am excited to share our intention to offer our…
International Service Tour in 2025 - Year 9-12
We will be partnering again with Habitat for Humanity through their Global Village programme from 21 June to 2 July. This will be our 7th Service Trip with our students previously involved in building homes and cultural exchange in Cambodia three times and once in Sri Lanka, Philippines and India. Student contribution has been significant, but their personal growth through these experiences has been profound as their global perspective has been expanded and their character enhanced.
If your student in Year 9-12 will be age 15 on 21st June 2025 and you would like more information about this service learning experience please contact Rev. Tim Bowles via email ( or school reception.
Christ Church Anglican Echuca 500 High St.
If you are a new family to our school, or you have been connected for some time you are welcome at Christ Church at any time. Rev. Phil Zamagias looks forward to welcoming you and would hope our school community views the place as your church home. We worship on Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30 am.
Hope25 is an initiative of the Anglican Church of Australia to empower Anglican parishes and communities all over Australia in an intentional season of sharing the hope of Jesus in an uncertain world.
Rev. Tim Bowles