Director of Teacher and Learning K-12

The needs of our learners are ever-changing and our highest priority.  

At Moama Anglican Grammar we are committed to continuously improving student experience across the scope of our Academic programs.  To enable ongoing improvement in student growth and learning outcomes, we continue to review our approach to teaching and learning in alignment with our strategic priority of establishing and embedding an evidence-based teaching and learning framework throughout 2025.  As educators, it is imperative that we understand the learning process, so we can increase the effectiveness of our teaching, by adapting our curriculum delivery according to the evidence base.


In 2024, Dr Jared Cooney Horvath, an international expert in the field of educational neuroscience, introduced our K-12 teaching staff to the Science of Learning.  This year long professional development journey focused on translating neuroscientific principles to enhance teaching and learning practices within the classroom. It informed teaching staff as to how students learn and process information (The Science of Learning), during different stages of what Dr Horvath describes as ‘the Learning Trajectory’.  The stages of the Learning Trajectory (Surface, Deep and Transfer) were considered from a teaching and learning perspective, to ensure that the transfer of knowledge occurs and can be applied to a variety of different contexts. 


To build upon and extend our understanding of the learning process and how this translates to classroom practice, our K-12 teaching staff were recently engaged in a full-day workshop led by Sharron Bailey during the staff professional development day.  Sharron is widely respected as a pedagogical leader and an expert in the field of conceptually driven inquiry-based learning.  She has extensive experience in both primary and secondary contexts, in a range of Australian school systems, as well as international schools.


Sharron highlighted to our teaching staff that conceptually driven inquiry-based learning is a teaching approach that centres around students actively exploring and investigating key concepts rather than just memorising facts. Students are encouraged to pose questions, conduct investigations, and engage with complex problems in real-world contexts. This approach emphasises deep understanding and the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.


By integrating insights from experts like Dr Jared Cooney Horvath and Sharron Bailey, we are enhancing our understanding of the learning process and reflecting upon our current teaching practices accordingly. This ongoing commitment to staff professional learning in this area will ensure that our teaching practices are evidence-based, effective, and aligned with our goal of improving student learning outcomes throughout 2025 and beyond.


On another exciting note, I would also like to congratulate Vanessa Bush on being appointed to the role of K-12 Teaching and Learning Administrative Assistant.  The K-12 Teaching and Learning Administrative Assistant provides high-level administrative support to the Director of Teaching & Learning (K-12). The primary focus of this role is to ensure the efficient administration of key teaching-related areas and processes. It also supports the smooth operation of the school’s academic programs and facilitates effective communication and collaboration across the school.  Vanessa can be contacted by emailing



Brooke Barber

Director of Teaching and Learning K-12