5/6 News…

Welcome to 2025


The senior school teachers would like to extend a warm welcome to all families of Donvale Primary School. All students have made a wonderful start, despite the hot weather, and it has been so pleasing to see so many happy faces returning back for the start of the year.


Senior Building Acknowledgement of Country


The students, with guidance from Mrs Costopoulos, have worked hard to create an acknowledgement of country for our senior building. The finished statement, was a collaboration of a number of groups' work, and it was all brought together into the display you will see below.


Accompanying the acknowledgement of country, is a wonderful display, made by all senior building students, and this can be seen in the area between 5/6A and 5/6B.


We were so impressed by the students knowledge about how to write an acknowledgement of country.


Smoothie Bar Incursion

Today, all Grade 5 and 6 students have participated in a Smoothie Bar incursion. 


Run by the Miniboss company, we were lucky enough to have Flynn, Lee and Maggie help the students turn into junior entreprenaurs, as they worked towards creating a wonderful tasting smoothie, but also teaching them how to market their work.


The Smoothie Bar incursion was set up to coincide with our Healthy Bodies integrated unit of work, which will run during Term 1.