School Wide Positive Behaviour School

This week, the eldest child in each family brought home a Student Behaviour Agreement. This agreement outlines our school values, the expected behaviours both in the classroom and on the playground, as well as a Behaviour Flowchart detailing how we manage both minor and major behaviours.
We kindly ask that parents review the agreement with their child or children, discuss the expected behaviours and flowchart together, and then return the signed back page, with signatures from all family members.
What is SWPBS?
SWPBS is a well being based approach that supports students by teaching them expected behaviours in a positive way, having all staff use consistent responses to challenging behaviours and regularly acknowledging positive behaviours.
The SWPBS approach believes that students need to be taught expected behaviour, the same way they need to be taught literacy and numeracy skills.
SWPBS is an equitable and data based approach that helps improve student behaviour, wellbeing and academic outcomes. It emphasises prevention-focused activities and reinforces positive behaviours.
Come and visit our SWPBS tent at the Welcome Back BBQ on Thursday 13th Feb.