Mrs Wallis

What's happening in STEM?


It's been great to see the students back and eager to find out what they are learning for the term. If you haven't already helped your child bring back their iPad usage agreement, could you please do so. Technology is a major part of STEM. That's what the T stands for. So if your child is unable to use iPads responsibly and safely, then they are at a disadvantage to their peers. This is important for all students, Foundation to Grade 6, as they all use technology to enhance their learning throughout the year. The Year 3-6's have the added task of taking care of their own device, so they need to get into the habit of coming prepared to class, with a charged iPad that has the right apps for the term.


The Senior building are using the Sphero Bolts this term. Using measurement and coding skills to solve problems. The practice they do with angles, speed, time and distance will support their Measurement and Geometry learning in Maths class throughout the year. They need the Sphero Edu app on their iPad.

The Middle building are using the Dash Robots this term. They are also covering measurement and coding skills to solve problems. Much like the Senior building, this learning will support the work they do in Measurement and Geometry in class this year. Students need to have Blockly, Go and Wonder downloaded onto their iPads.

The Junior school are starting off the year with some engineering challenges. Using LEGO and the train tracks, they are working on problem solving skills that need to be considered in building and creating models of real world inventions. i.e. How does a bridge support the weight of a car, without touching the water. 1/2 students are also practicing and refining using Seesaw, as a tool to document and assess their own work. So keep an eye out for posts on Seesaw as they become more familiar with using it in class.