From the Music Room

Mrs Keep

We have some amazing musical talent at DPS.

This term each class will be focussing on DANCE! You might see various groups rehearsing around the school as they prepare for performances.


Foundation and year 1/2 students will learn how to dance safely in a circle and with a partner.

Year 3-6 students will explore "Diamond" dancing, "Add-on" dancing and try a whole lot of different moves using the concepts

B: body

E: energy

S: space

T: time

They will then form groups to choreograph their own dances over several weeks ready to perform for their peers.


On Thursday Feb 13 we are excited to have the dance company STOMP coming to take each grade for a session during the day. (Cost: $6 per child)

That evening there will be a Welcome Back BBQ during which the classes will present their dance to family and friends between 5.30 and 6.30. 

Other Music News:

Junior choir (grades 1-3) meets for 25 minutes on Thursday lunchtimes.

Senior choir (grades 4-6) meets on Friday lunchtimes

Marimba Band (grades 5/6) rehearse on Wednesday lunchtimes


Private individual music lessons (for voice and a range of instruments) are available through Wonnies School of Music. Please ask at the office for more information.