Presentation Day 2024

Tuesday, 10th December 2024

Our Annual Presentation Day was held this morning to acknowledge our students' achievements in 2024.  Thank you to our guests who came and presented awards and all of our community who came to celebrate these achievements with us.  The whole school delighted us with a performance of "On My Way".  We celebrated our Kindergarten students on completing their first year of Primary Education and farewelled our Year 6 Cohort.



Congratulations to following students on your achievements:



Year 1

English - Jed

Mathematics - Millie

Commitment to Learning - Parker

Year 2

English - Joseph

Mathematics - Zakk

Commitment to Learning - Maddison


Year 3

English - Arabella

Mathematics - Piper

Commitment to Learning - Emily


Year 4

English - Tyler

Mathematics - Thomas

Commitment to Learning - Jackson

Year 5

English - Lachlan

Mathematics - Ashton

Commitment to Learning - Tailor


Year 6

English - Edward

Mathematics - Jack

Commitment to Learning - Sarah May



Citizenship Award

K-2 - Noah

3-4 - Emily

5-6 - Rubi


Over & Above Recognition Award

K-2 - Reagan 

3-4 - Emily

5-6 - Haidee & Tahlia



Aboriginal Student Award - Strong Link to Culture - Lebron



Creative Arts Award

K-2 - Ruby 

3-6 - Khloee


STEM Award

K-2 - Theodore

3-6 - Jack


Mavis McNamara Memorial Shield - Contribution to School Life - Jack & Tahlia


Betty Cross Memorial Shield - Attendance Award - Tahlia


Highest Percentage of Attendance - Theodore

Most Improved Percentage of Attendance - Riley



Home Reading Award - Arabella



CWA Betty Cross Memorial Education Grant 2024 - Jack, James & Tahlia



School Sport Achievement Award - Tahlia


Premier's Sporting Challenge Medallion - Dominic D & Lachlan



North West Sports Awards - Arabella, Ashton, Alex C, Lebron, Lachlan, Dominic D, Haidee, Piper, Rubi, Kaeden, Tahlia, James, Jack, Joseph & Luke




Alex G, Harry, Huxley, Indianna, Kingston, Latrell, Marcos, Raegan, Ricky, Rhys & Summer




Alex C, Edward, Eric, Haidee, Jack, James, Kaeden, Khloee, Sarah May, Rubi & Tahlia