From Our School Leaders

Congratulations Class Of 2024
Last night, the very proud parents, families, friends and teachers of the 2024 Year 6 students gathered to celebrate their graduation. It was a fantastic night, acknowledging the end of their primary school journey, and it was wonderful to hear their reflections on their time at Scoresby PS and their aspirations for the future.
Much work goes into preparing and organising such an important event. Thank you to the Year 6 parents who helped make the evening a special one for the graduates by decorating the hall, giving the students a night to remember. They certainly had a lot of fun dancing and singing at their graduation party!
We also thank the 5/6 staff for all of their hard work over many weeks in helping the students compile timelines, prepare speeches and practise their dance, with thanks to Rachel Crofts for her work with choreography. In addition, they have organised caterers, edited photo montages, and curated special memento gifts. It was, indeed, a wonderful night celebrating our Year 6 students!
We congratulate our Class of 2024 and send them off with all our very best wishes for the future.
Rowville Academic Achievement Award
This year’s recipient of the Rowville Endeavour Academic Award is a student who consistently approaches classroom tasks with enthusiasm, dedication and a positive attitude. This individual has excelled across all areas of the curriculum, earning the respect of both peers and teachers.
In English and Mathematics, this student consistently produces work of an exceptionally high standard, performing well above the expected level for Year 6 in Reading, Writing, and Number and Algebra. Their writing stands out across all genres, and they demonstrate excellent mathematical skills and are always willing to support others while continuing to further their own knowledge.
This student is also highly respectful and kind to all staff and peers, fostering a positive and inclusive environment in the classroom. Their maturity and responsibility shine both in and out of school.
In addition to her academic success, she also excels in ballet, attending The Australian Ballet School. This year, she took on the lead role in her ballet school’s concert, performing as "Clara" in The Nutcracker.
The winner of this year’s Rowville Endeavour Academic Award is Celeste Robinson.
Tilly Aston Achievement Award
The recipient of this year’s Tilly Aston Achievement Award is Louis Wang. Throughout his time at Scoresby Primary School, Louis has demonstrated exceptional dedication to volunteering and contributing to both school and community initiatives. His commitment to helping others is clearly shown through his regular volunteer work at the Rowville Uniting Church Community Garden, where he takes on a variety of responsibilities. From watering plants and weeding to tidying the area and repairing broken items, Louis approaches each task with care and a sense of responsibility. His proactive nature is highlighted by his decision to purchase a new tap for the garden, demonstrating his willingness to go above and beyond to make a difference.
In addition to his work in the garden, Louis is deeply passionate about recycling. He consistently makes efforts to recycle cans and bottles, ensuring they are properly sorted and recycled. His dedication to sustainability and his positive contributions to the community are truly inspiring, making him a deserving recipient of the Tilly Aston Achievement Award.
2025 Student Leaders
Last Friday, at assembly, our new student leaders for 2025 were announced. After a rigorous application process, including a written application, public speech and voting, our candidates for 2025 were chosen. Congratulations to those who achieved a captaincy role.
School Captains - Eason Chua and Summer Croysdale
Vice Captains - Tommy Parkin and Piper Wallace
HEART Captains - Jonas Ferreira-Simpson, Dante Kriel and Emily Wiseman
Cook House Captains - Jaxon Helfer and Alisha Watson
Chisholm House Captains - Mia Hayward and Bodhi Higgins
Flinders House Captains - Lucy Eagland and Otto Philips
Macarthur House Captains - Bella Leggate and Eliza Murphy
We are very much looking forward to working with these students next year. They are enthusiastic and we are keen to hear their voices and help them develop leadership skills over the coming year.
Christmas Gathering
What a wonderful celebration of our school's Specialist programs, and the talents of our students, we had at last week's Christmas Gathering. Highlighting our Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Mandarin programs, the night showcased our students' accomplishments in a delightfully festive, community event that we do so well here at Scoresby PS.
In addition to displaying the creativity our students have been building in our school programs, the evening also featured many solo performances by students who are fostering artistic talents outside of school. It was fantastic to have an opportunity for those students to share their skills with our school community.
Many thanks to Rachel Crofts, Karen Coster and Sally Hou for their hard work in preparing for the event. It truly was a marvellous end-of-year celebration.
2025 Children's University Graduates
Congratulations once again to our 2025 Scoresby PS graduates of Swinburne Children's University. We wanted to share some of the official photos of the event with our community. We hope to see many students participating in this valuable program in 2025.
Term Dates For 2025
We are having two Curriculum Days (pupil-free days) at the beginning of the year - Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th January 2025.
Students are expected back at school on Thursday 30th January 2025.
Term 1 Thursday 30th January – Friday 4th April
Term 2 Monday 22nd April – Friday 4th July
Term 3 Monday 21st July – Friday 19th September
Term 4 Monday 6th October – Friday 19th December
Christmas Dress-up Day Tomorrow
Our student leaders have asked if we can have a Christmas-themed, free dress day tomorrow. Please come dressed in your Christmas best!
Our Final Assembly For The Year - Friday 20th December, 12.50pm
Our final assembly for the year will be held in the hall at 12.50pm tomorrow. We will be presenting the Term 4 Academic Excellence Awards, saying goodbye to our Year 6s - including watching their graduation dance and video - saying goodbye to the families who are leaving SPS, and announcing winners of the Christmas raffle. We hope to see you there.
School Safety
Over the school holidays, if you are up and about at school and there are any issues, please email me I will be checking my emails over the holidays. If it is a major concern, please phone Knox Police 9881 7000 or 131 444.
Wishing You A Merry Christmas
Thank you one and all for another great year at Scoresby PS.
It is a real privilege to work here with your wonderful children, our supportive families and school community, and our terrific staff. We have had many events and activities at school this year, and our students have experienced lots of learning in their classrooms and beyond the classroom too.
Here are a few of the events that we organised over the curse of the year:
Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 camps
Children’s University
Victorian State Schools' Spectacular
High Ability Program – Years 5 and 6
Open mornings and evenings
Excursions / incursions
Scoresby Superstars program
Wellbeing Weeks in Term 2 and Term 4
Market Day
Christmas Gathering and Art Show
Rigour Sessions introduced
Whole school production – Mr Blue Sky
Father’s Day and Mother’s Day Stall
Book Fair and Book Week
Harmony Week
We would like to wish our whole school community a very Merry Christmas. Please stay safe and well. We hope you get to spend time with your loved ones, get out in the great outdoors, and unwind. Enjoy your summer break!
Scoresby Primary School Leaders