Year 8 Summit Adventure Camp

Daniel Cole - Head of Year 8

During Week 7, Year 8 students prepared themselves for the opportunity to get out of their comfort zone and build resilience through The Personal & Social Development program & Summit Adventure Camp. Throughout the five days of activities, our incredible Year 8’s overcame significant challenges including heights, cold temperatures and wet weather. It was fantastic to witness the personal growth of our students as they pushed their limits and overcame their personal fears. 


Our supervising staff noted how proud we were of our student’s willingness to support their friends and teammates during adventures including the ‘Monster Course’ in which all students completed a full obstacle course, followed by a surprise challenge which involved them with completing it again backwards (much to the students’ surprise…and frustration!). 


With ‘respect’ being at the core of Norwood Secondary College’s values, it was with pride that we ended the camp with fantastic feedback from the Summit Staff regarding how respectful our students were. 

I would like to personally thank all parents for their support in helping to organise our students, the supervising staff for giving up their time to help run the camp effectively and our Front Office Staff for the significant amount of ‘behind the scenes’ support that make these events possible.