Principal's News

Spring Fair
Term Four is traditionally a very busy term and this year is certainly no exception.
Apart from the normal activities, we are also holding our Spring Fair. I hope you're all getting excited!
Our Spring Fair is a major event which is being held on Sunday 17th November. The Spring Fair Committee has been working hard on the planning and preparation.
We would like to thank the families who have generously donated second hand toys, second hand books, chocolate and wine following our calls for donations.
Early in Term Four we will be calling out for more support for a range of stalls and filling in the rosters for the day.
Second Hand Toys and Children's Books
One of the requests this term has been for second hand toys and children's books. If families are 'spring cleaning' over the holidays, please remember the stall and bring your second hand toys and children's books into the school.
Raffle and Rides
In Term Four familes will be asked to sell raffle tickets for our amazing raffle and we will pre sell our ride tickets. Watch for the COMPASS updates.
Art Show
Our Art teachers are busy organising the Art Show, which will be held in the Rec Centre on Fair Day. Families are invited to come in and view student Art work from the year. There will even be a couple of pieces of student art for silent auction.
Robyn James