From the Principal's Desk

Trivia Night
The Parents and Friends Association invite you to the fundraising event of the year- the Corpus Christi School Trivia Night!
Date: Friday 15th November
Time: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Games, raffles, silent auctions and giveaways will be available on the night.
This event is not to be missed and a great way to connect with your school community.
BYO Food and Drink.
Note: As this is a child-free event, all beverages of choice are allowed. Some disposable cups will be available but BYO glassware.
Some great local organisations have donated to help make this a fabulous night - with new products and services added daily!
Tickets are available through Eventbrite @
To book your spot at our Trivia Night there are 2 options:
- $20 per ticket
- $150 per table of 10
Don’t worry if you can’t fill a table of 10. You will be amongst familiar faces, and tables will be formed on the night. You can also chat to parents in your children’s classes and form a table together.
If you have any questions reach out to the Parents and Friends Association at or look out for us around the school.
Tables are limited so get your tickets in NOW!
By the way, our staff table is out for revenge this year and is laying out the challenge to all!
We are all looking forward to a fun night, and we appreciate your support of the school’s fundraising efforts.
The PFA Committee
Health Department Alert -Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Last term all Catholic schools were asked by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) to communicate the following alert regarding Whooping Cough (Pertussis) which was published in the school newsletter on 25th July.
As we have recently had reported cases of Whooping Cough at Corpus Christi it is timely to re-issue the communication to our community.
The Victorian Health Department recently issued a public notice in relation to an increasing number of cases of whooping cough (pertussis) in Victoria, particularly among children aged 10-12.
Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness known for causing a cough and can lead to life-threatening infections in babies. Many babies who get pertussis catch it from older children and adults who might not even know they are infected.
Pertussis usually begins with cold-like symptoms, such as a dry cough (occurring in bouts), characteristic 'whooping' sound when breathing in, tiredness, runny nose, and low-grade fever.
Please speak to your doctor (GP) and seek a diagnosis if your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms. Early identification and separation are crucial in preventing the spread to other children.
Pertussis is mostly spread to other people by droplets from coughing or sneezing, so good hygiene practices and immunisations help prevent the spread. Immunisations are particularly important for infants and pregnant women.
If pertussis is diagnosed, your GP will advise on appropriate treatments. If you have any questions, please speak to your GP. Read the full alert here:
MACSSIS Family Survey
Last week we sent home the link to the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) Family Survey to a cohort of randomly selected families and invited them to participate in the survey.
The main goal of the family survey is to identify our school's strengths and areas for improvement. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights on areas that each school can focus on.
The survey is available online and can be accessed up until Friday 20th September 2024.
School Disco
I hope you have all marked in your diaries the date of this year’s School Disco on Friday 18th October from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. (second Friday of Term 4). This is the social event of the year for our children and should prove to be a huge hit!
Mobile phones will not be permitted to be brought into the hall.
Our PFA will be assigned to the various supervision tasks throughout the evening so we ask parents to just drop their children off at 6:30 pm and return to collect them at 8:00 pm sharp.
Our Disco is open only to children in Years Prep-6 and the cost is $10.00 per child ($15 per family), payable at the door on the night. Once inside, children will not be permitted to leave the hall until the conclusion when they are collected by their parents.
Our always popular Candy Corner will operate, where children can purchase goodies such as drinks and snacks as well as glow sticks!
Our School Disco is always a popular event on the calendar and this year will be no exception!
As mentioned in last week's Newsletter and again at assembly on Monday, an increasing number of children are taking liberties with our school uniform. Our school uniform is part of our identity and is expected to be worn correctly and with pride.
Now that reminders have been given, notices will be sent home to families of children who continue to present incorrectly. These must be signed and returned to the school detailing rectification actions.
I thank all children who continually adhere to our uniform expectations and are role models for their peers.
Learning Conferences
Term 3 Learning Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, 18th September, between 2:00pm and 8:00pm.
To book your appointment, simply click the link below or scan the QR code.
Shade Sail Maintenance
Summer Uniform and Hats
Next term children will transition into their summer uniform by the end of Week Two.
If you need uniform requirements, I suggest you get an order form in early, either by collecting one from the school office or by completing and submitting the attached form.
School Closure Days
Please mark in your diaries the remaining School Closure Days for 2024 -
- Monday 14th October: Positive Behaviour Support (Tier 2 strategies)
- Monday 4th November: Teacher Time in Lieu Aquittal Day
- Tuesday 5th November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Have a wonderful week
God Bless
Anthony Hyde