Respect - Learning - Resilience - Responsibility

Term 4 - Willy Kids are Responsible
Weeks 1 & 2: Willy Kids are Cooperative
Cooperating with others is an essential skill to develop and learn. We use it in many aspects throughout life. Cooperation means we are being helpful, inclusive, supportive and willing to compromise. Willy Kids use the skills of cooperation when we are working with others collaborating on a group project or music piece, playing in a team, or organising an event.
Working cooperatively on a group project or music piece means we need to negotiate roles and allocate responsibilities. This means we need to have an open mind, negotiate, compromise and listen to others. Willy Kids make contributions and build on the ideas of others. Negotiating and compromising allows for all parties to have input and be heard and ensures there is a ‘win-win’ outcome.
Working cooperatively when playing a team sport means Willy Kids work together, encourage one another, and respect the rules of the game. Here are some tips to help you do this:
- Start every game in a friendly manner.
- Make it obvious to everyone that the purpose is to enjoy ourselves and to have fun playing, not just winning.
- Encourage those in your team and give them an opportunity to participate.
- Respect your opposition and all their hard work as well.
- Always respect the decision of the umpire, and if things don’t go your way, be prepared to put that behind you and get on with the game.
- When the game concludes, you should always congratulate both the winners and losers on their efforts; they have all tried equally as hard.
Cooperation sees individuals work towards a collective goal. It enables groups of people to achieve more through the shared responsibility of tasks and spreading the workload, for the benefit of all.
Many great events in history have been achieved through large displays of cooperation. From a nation holding an Olympic games or placing a man on the moon, cooperation is at the core.
Willy Kids are cooperative in school and in life.