From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,


Welcome back!

Welcome back to term 4, daylight savings and springtime. Although the week started a little fresh, the sun has been shining the last few days which is great. 



A reminder to all families that in term four, all students are required to wear a sun smart hat. This is part of the school’s sun smart policy which is attached. Even on fresher days children can easily be burnt, and we would also suggest the application of sunscreen as often as possible. Additional sunscreen can be accessed in each classroom as well.


We have a huge term ahead with lots of camps, an art show, prep transition and grade 6 graduation. We look forward to sharing it all throughout the term.


Art Show

We’re excited for the school’s upcoming Art Show is scheduled for Friday, October 18th (Adults Only) and Sunday, October 20th (Family Day). It’s been six years since our last Art Show, and both students and staff are eagerly anticipating this event!

On the night of Friday 18th October from 7pm-11pm, parents and caregivers are invited to come together for a social evening celebrating our students’ incredible artwork. This catered event will feature an auction of art pieces for each grade created by students, providing a wonderful keepsake for families to commemorate their child's time at Willy Primary. Tickets are available through CompassTik.


On Sunday 20th October, the exhibition will open to all families and community members from 12 PM to 3 PM. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their work to friends and extended family while enjoying the Wonders of Williamstown Exhibition. Entry is by gold coin donation, and we’ll also have performances by our rock and marimba bands, along with our choir. We encourage all families to join us for this celebration and grab a sausage or two at our sausage sizzle as well.


The Art Show is our second largest fundraiser after the Seaside Fair. Proceeds will contribute to the school’s buildings and grounds master plan, which prioritises projects aimed at enhancing our facilities to support student learning and engagement. Our next focus areas include improving the shaded area next to the bike racks and transforming the garden along Electra Street behind the hall into a sensory garden. Our goal is to maximise every part of our school grounds for student use.

 We’d like to extend our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this event, especially Jo Wilson and Marcia Evans, our art teachers, as well as the parents from the Friends of Willy group. We encourage parents and caregivers to join us on Friday night, and we look forward to seeing families on Sunday.


Year 3/4 Composite Information Night

I wanted to thank all the parents/carers who attended last night's Year 3/4 composite information session. The leadership team really appreciated the support and highly valued the opportunity to answer all questions. It has also been great to receive positive feedback regarding the information required. A summary of the information presented will be distributed to families early next week.


Principals for a Day

Tomorrow Friday 11th October, three grade 5/6 students will take on the roles of principals for the day.

The day will see the students undertake a range of tasks and experiences to give them a better understanding of what it is like leading a school. Both Lisa and I are very excited for the day and after meeting with our three candidates they have requested a casual dress day for tomorrow. 


To accommodate this day, as listed in last term's newsletter, our whole school assembly has been moved to this Friday instead of the usual even week format. Our three student principals will also be the guest speakers at assembly, as Lisa and I look to sit amongst the crowd.


This will be a fun filled opportunity for our three aspiring future leaders, and Lisa and I are looking forward to supporting them.


We hope to see as many families at our assembly as possible as we see our Grade 1/2 classes host assembly.


Warm regards,
