Foundation - Two
The junior school students this term will be focusing on forces! Students will explore how forces are at play in the world around us. They will discover how push and pull works and the impact of gravity on different objects. Students will experiment how to move different toys and objects using the forces and use scientific notation to record their findings. The unit will culminate with students designing their own toys that use the forces of push, pull or gravity.
Year 3-5
The middle and senior students will research and discover future transportation options to carriage resources across Australia. They will explore sustainability issues relating to the industry and possible renewable energy sources to power their vehicles. They will develop an understanding of the vast systems in the Australian transport network, due to Australia's large area and low population density in considerable parts of the country, and the spread of natural and developed resources. Students will culminate the unit producing a prototype of a vehicle that could exist in 2050, using a range of materials, diagrams and technology to explain and display their understandings and designs.