Middle School News-Yr 3/4

3/4 Term Four Overview
Hello to all,
We hope you have all had a restful, peaceful holiday break. We are very much looking forward to the exciting experiences Term 4 will bring.
This term the OLGC community welcome’s Annabelle Boyhan, joining the Year 3/4 team.
If you wish to contact us please see the bottom of this page with our details.
3/4 Teaching Team 2024
Please see below our overview of Term Four.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Friday 18th October | 3/4 KB + 3/4 TM Class Mass 9-10am | Friday 29th November | Whole School Closure Day No School |
Friday 25th October | 3/4KB Assembly World Teachers Day | Monday 2nd - Friday 6th December | Swimming Week |
Wednesday 30th October - Friday 1st November | Year 3/4 Camp Mill Valley Ranch | Wednesday 11th December | Carols |
Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th November | Long Weekend - Melbourne Cup | Tuesday 17th December | End of Year Mass - 9-10am
End of Year Assembly 12:30pm with Special Awards
Last Day of School 2024 |
Friday 22nd November | 3/4 B + 3/4 TM Assembly |
Religious Education
This term our focus for Religious Education is Morality and Justice. Students will be exploring what it means to be christian, and how we as a Catholic community share God’s love with others. Our unit will guide students to reflect on the ways our religion impacts and shapes our community and people’s identities. We will be further exploring the history of our catholic community and how it has changed over time.
The Term 4 Inquiry Unit is developed around History and Social Justice. Our big question is: Throughout History, what changes have occurred and what has remained the same?
In Literacy students will continue to unpack our mentor text; Storm Boy as a whole class. Using this text students will build their understanding of how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose, audience and context, including tense and types of sentences. Using Heggarty, students will be practising how to apply knowledge of letter–sound relationships, and blending and segmenting to read and use more complex words with less common consonant and vowel clusters. Students will continue to plan, draft and publish imaginative and informative texts demonstrating their increasing knowledge of text structures and language features.
This term, students will begin by completing our revision unit on addition and subtraction. We will be revisiting algorithms and strategies to complete mathematical problems, and exploring using these to complete open-ended tasks and worded problems. Students then will begin unpacking our unit on statistics and probability. Students build on their understanding of chance experiments and look at dependent and independent events. This unit builds concepts of sorting, categorising, and organising information from chance experiments. Once complete, we will then begin to explore location and transformation, using grids and creating maps.
Assemblies will continue to be held at 8:50 am in the morning on Fridays, for the remainder of 2024.
- Student’s need to bring their charged device everyday.
- Canteen on Monday & Friday, student’s are responsible for their own money.
- Assembly is now held fortnightly on a Friday Morning in the Atrium.
PE Uniform Required
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 B
PE - Monday Class Sport - Friday | PE - Monday Class Sport - Tuesday | PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Friday |
Parent - Teacher Communication
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 B |
Monday-Thursday Cecily Kerr: ckerr@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au Friday Leah Blake: lblake@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
| Monday-Wednesday, Friday Olivia Tallarico: otallarico@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au Thursday Diandra Merola: dmerola@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au | Lucy McNamara: aboyhan@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au |