1/2 News

☀️ 1/2 Term 4 Overview 2024 ☀️
Welcome back to Term 4! We are excited for a fantastic, fun-filled final term of 2024. As we wrap up the year, we look forward to all the wonderful learning experiences and memories we’ll create together.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support throughout the year. It truly makes a difference in your child's learning journey. As always, please don't hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions or need clarification on anything.
Warm regards, The 1/2 Team
Friday 25th October | Melbourne Museum excursion
World Teachers Day | Friday 29th November | Whole School Closure Day No School |
Friday 1st November | 1/2 Class Mass 9:15am | Monday 2nd - Friday 6th December | Swimming Week |
Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th November | Long Weekend - Melbourne Cup
| Wednesday 11th December | Carols |
Friday 8th November | Grandparents & Special Friends Day | Tuesday 17th December | End of Year Mass - 9-10am
End of Year Assembly 12:30pm with Special Awards
Last Day of School 2024 |
23rd October, 30th October & 13th November | Camberwell Dragon basketball clinics | ||
TBC | Incursion |
In Term 4, the students will begin to delve into persuasive writing and letter writing, learning how to express their opinions convincingly and structure formal and informal letters.In addition to these writing topics, students will revisit and reinforce topics they have already explored earlier in the year, ensuring a strong grasp of foundational concepts.
The students will continue working on reading skills which help strengthen their comprehension and critical thinking abilities. These reading skills will include identifying the author's purpose behind various texts, including making connections between texts and personal experiences and retelling stories in their own words.
In Term 4, the Year 1/2 cohort begin by delving into the basics of fractions, recognising and interpreting halves, quarters, and eighths through hands-on activities with shapes and collections of objects. They are learning to represent division through grouping into equal sets, solving simple problems by distributing objects equally among groups. Students will investigate the effects of one-step slides and flips.
Students are experimenting with both physical and digital tools to understand how shapes move and reflect, focusing on identifying and describing half and quarter turns. They are also exploring Statistics & Probability by describing outcomes as 'likely', 'unlikely', 'certain', or 'impossible', using everyday scenarios and simple experiments to understand these terms.
Through a blend of hands-on activities and interactive lessons, the cohort is developing a robust understanding of these key mathematical concepts.
The children will be learning about their family name and its origins. Children will be examining their family history and discussing how family customs and traditions may have changed over time. Children will learn and appreciate different cultures and customs from around the world .Comparisons will be made between life as a student now and the life of a student in the past.
Social justice will be explored during this term, particularly the theme of fairness. The children will explore various topics and engage in different discussions which will encourage them to develop their understanding of what is fair and what is unfair. We will also discuss how the concept of fairness has evolved over time.
The theme of forgiveness will be prominent during this term, various Bible stories such as The Parable of The Unforgiving Servant, The Story of The Prodigal Son and The Story of Zacchaeus will examine the theme of forgiveness.
As we approach Christmas we will be discussing Advent in the classroom, we will be focusing on the 4 key themes of Advent, hope, peace, joy, and love. Children will be encouraged to display these values and to understand the importance of them in their lives.
Children will be identifying and exploring the various characteristics of respectful relationships. Children will be working on using these characteristics when interacting with their peers.
We will be exploring our own uniqueness and how we can embrace this, children will be encouraged to focus on their strengths and how everyone has their own skills and talents regardless of gender.
PE Uniform Required
1/2 R | 1/2 D | 1/2 MC |
PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Friday | PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Thursday | PE - Thursday Class Sport - Friday |
Parent - Teacher Communication
1/2 R- irachele@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
1/2 D- doconhurir@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
1/2 MC- fclifford@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Monday & Tuesday) gmontalto@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)