Assistant Principal
Danielle Frost
Assistant Principal
Danielle Frost
The Child Safety Handbook is developed and distributed by the Child Safety Hub and is an online resource for parents, carers and teachers. It helps to raise awareness of child safety issues that all families face, and what can be done to prevent these risks. The school was recently notified that The Handbook has been updated and is a recommended point of reference for schools and families. The Handbook enables people of all ages to develop strategies to help them deal with difficult situations, and covers such issues as: bullying at school, personal safety, safety in the home, first aid, safety online, fire prevention, road safety, safety outdoors, healthy living and drug & alcohol awareness.
Click on the links below for more information -
NSW Police Legacy –
Child Safety Hub website –
In week 8 we welcomed back former Family Faith Educator Susanne North to lead the staff, students and parents in a series of wellbeing workshops. As a follow up to her sessions, Susanne has provided a tip sheet/summary for parents/carers to use at home. Coming into the school holidays, this is quite timely and hopefully comes in handy:
Wishing all of our families a wonderful holiday break and looking forward to welcoming you back in Term 4!