Student Awards

Student of the Week


Term 1 - Week 6

                     Primary 1:  Thomas

                     Primary 2:  Kai

                     Primary 3: Fred

                     Primary 4:  Rigan

                     Primary 5:  Levi

                     Primary 6:  Angus


               Secondary 1:  Halle 

               Secondary 2:   Xavier

               Secondary 3:   Jayden

               Secondary 4:   Matthew

               Secondary 5:  Natalia

               Secondary 6:  Carlton

               Secondary 7:  Aaron

               Secondary 8:  Mackenzie


  Additional Awards School Captain Letters from Mayor

                                         : Jerry

                                         : Mikayla

                                         : Stacey

                                         : Aaron




Specialist Awards - Primary


                                Arts:  Primary 5

        Performing Arts:  Primary 2

                                HPE:  Primary 6

                        Science:  Primary 1


Specialist Awards - Secondary


                                Arts:  Secondary 5

        Performing Arts:  Secondary 5

                                HPE:  Secondary 5

                        Science:  Secondary 1






School Values Awards

During the week students receive 'tokens' for displaying Care, Courage or Cooperation. These tokens are totalled together at the end of the week & the class with the most tokens receives this award.

Term 1- Week 6

                           Class:   Primary 4/Secondary 8

                             Staff: Tracey and Madi 





Principal's Awards

Term 1 - Week 6

                       Primary:   Micah

                 Secondary:   Jaxon





Student of the Week



Term 1- Week 7

                     Primary 1:  Shilo

                     Primary 2:  Archie 

                     Primary 3:  Ayaan

                     Primary 4:  Ethan

                     Primary 5:  Jax

                     Primary 6:  Luke


               Secondary 1:  Mason

               Secondary 2:  

               Secondary 3:  Rashard

               Secondary 4:  Melanie 

               Secondary 5:  Jayden

               Secondary 6:  Logan

               Secondary 7:  Ryan

               Secondary 8:  Temperance 

Additional Awards Australian Olympic Change - Maker Award

                                       :      Azaria and Dylan


Specialist Awards - Primary


                                Arts:  Primary 4

        Performing Arts:  Primary 1

                                HPE:  Primary 3

                        Science:  Primary4


Specialist Awards - Secondary


                                Arts:  Secondary 1

        Performing Arts:  Secondary 4

                                HPE:  Secondary 1

                        Science:  Secondary 3




School Values Awards

During the week students receive 'tokens' for displaying Care, Courage or Cooperation. These tokens are totalled together at the end of the week & the class with the most tokens receives this award.

Term 1- Week 7

                           Class:   Primary 3 / Secondary 4

                             Staff:  Brenda and Deb B





Principal's Awards

Term 1- Week 7

                       Primary:  Kai

                 Secondary:  Thomas