From the Principal

Samantha Jensen

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we come to the end of Term One and enter into the holy-days of Easter, as a staff, we would like to extend our gratitude to all of our parents, carers and friends for the engagement and partnership you have shown so far this year. We thank also our Parent Partnership Panel and all parents who contributed to the ‘staff shout outs’ they are so gratefully received by us all and mean so much!


It has certainly been a very positive term, a term of tremendous accomplishment, purpose and fulfilment for students and staff alike, and it is only March! As we embark upon our Easter holidays I wish you a time of rest and reconnection with your families and the opportunity to contemplate (as we do in our Franciscan tradition) on the things that really matter.


At the conclusion of our Easter Liturgy today, I reminded our students of the need for all of us to ‘check ourselves’ ….and to continue to polish and finesse our interactions in Term 2 into a more inclusive, kinder, more forgiving, and empathetic ones. We need to act with less judgment (or judgey-ness as the students like to say!) and more curiosity and compassion for one another. We need to continue to be courageous as upstanders and not bystanders. This is no easy task to do as a young person grappling with the nuances of peer approval at stake, and similarly, it is not always easy for parents to accept that their young person may have wronged another and the primeval tendency to move into ‘rescue mode’ rather than facilitating the steps required to make apologies and restore relationships is strong.


Furthermore, I asked our students and community to take some time to look outside of ourselves. Living with privilege, in a safe and free democratic country like ours (albeit with its own challenges) - it is easy to be consumed by what is really, in most instances insignificant and petty. Earlier this term, Mr Rogusz shared with us some of the history and context of the war in Gaza which continues to this day, delivering some of the worst examples of human suffering imaginable. I shared with our students the words of a Caritas worker in Gaza, someone who is witnessing each day, the most harrowing of conditions and the worst of humanity…….this is what they said:


 “ The most important lesson I learned from this hard experience is to thank God for the simplest things that I had before the war. My message for people is to love the life that you live. Don’t miss an opportunity to live with your friends, family and children. Sit in every corner of your house and savour all of the details. Be happy and excited when you go to your work (or school)…” 


I don’t know about you, but for me this was a very sobering reminder of the need for us all to maintain perspective….. “My message for people is to love the life that you live”

This Easter, as a Christian community, let us continue to pray that the UN Resolution for an immediate ceasefire in the region is enacted without delay. 


At the conclusion of our Liturgy, we also farewelled Mrs Majella Walker, (Teacher Aide) who is about to embark on retirement. Majella is a much loved support staff member, adored by students alike. Her association with Mt A extends approximately 100 years! Her father was a foundation pupil of St Anthony’s School, she herself attended Mt A, along with her two daughters and she has been a member of staff here for 13 years. We thank Majella for her enormous contribution to the College and wish her the very best in her retirement - where travel and adventures await her!


Excitedly, Mr Rogusz (Deputy Principal of Identity and Religious Life of the College), will be travelling to Assisi on pilgrimage with Franciscan Schools Australia. We wish him a safe and enriching time along with his 27 fellow pilgrims from Franciscan schools across Australia. A little closer to home this time for me, I will be travelling to Tasmania to connect with nature, hug some trees and relish the peace and tranquillity.


We look forward to what Term 2 will bring, but until then, please enjoy restful time with your loved ones. I share with you a beautiful prayer sent to us from our Mercy Partners.


God of Infinite Love, 

As we walk our resurrection pathways give us eyes 

to see the blessings which accompany us on our journey.

 Grant us ears, which are attuned to the calls for justice, the cries of those made poor, 

the lament of the grieving, 

and the despair of those who have lost hope. 

 Direct our steps toward ways unfamiliar and challenging, 

so that we may embrace new opportunities  

to show your face of mercy to the world. 

 Bless us on our resurrection journey, 

with open and loving hearts  

to embrace those we encounter on the way. 

Wishing you a blessed and joy-filled Easter, overflowing with the love, grace and mercy of God. 

Alleluia! He is Risen!


Peace and all good,
