Year 8 News

Vermont Secondary College

Year 8 Student Manager’s Report

Well done Year 8s, we’ve suddenly arrived at the end of a comparatively short Term 1, and we’re facing the leisurely prospect of Easter, chocolate and holidays to look forward to.


Teachers are breathing a sigh of relief, having completed this term’s correction and reports. Hopefully, you have received some grades and feedback of which you’re proud. If not, shake of any disappointment and come back next term refreshed with renewed focus to face new challenges next term. Learning is an ongoing process.


Your parents will have the opportunity to participate in Student Progress Conferences in Week 1 of Term 2 on Wednesday, April 17.

Many Year 8 students participated in Round Robin interschool sports this term, with some teams progressing to the next stages, to be held later in the year. Well done to everyone who represented VSC so well.


This week, the Year 8s also experienced in-house Elephant Ed. presentations on Cybersafety: Sexting and Social Media. Parents, you might like to ask your students what new knowledge they gained.


On behalf of the Year 8 Student Managers, we would like to wish all students and their families a Happy Easter, refreshing autumn break, and safe, relaxing or productive holiday.

Ms Nettleship, Ms Eccles, Mr Malpeli.