VSC Updates and Information

Vermont Secondary College

Upcoming Dates

Thursday 28th March 

Cycle 1 reports released to families - 3pm


Monday 15th April

Start Term 2 - all students

Wednesday 17th April

Online Student Progress Conferences

Friday 19th April

SSV State Swimming Championships

Sunday 21st April

Ringwood RSL- ANZAC Day March

9:15 am - VSC Symphonic Band

Thursday 25th April

Melbourne City ANZAC Day March

7:00 am - VSC Symphonic Band

Friday 3rd May

Waverley Division Senior Round Robin


Child safety and wellbeing at Vermont Secondary College: Information for families and the school community


The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing. 


Vermont Secondary College regularly reviews and updates our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet requirements. Our policies can be viewed here: 

Policies - Vermont Secondary College


We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices. 


We are currently reviewing our Engagement and Wellbeing Policy (2024) and would appreciate feedback.


The draft policy can be viewed through Compass in the 'School Documentation' section.


If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact Aidan Message (Assistant Principal).  


Reconciliation Action Plan

In line with the Department of Education's Marrung Plan, Vermont Secondary College is in the process of developing a Reconciliation Action Plan.


If you are interested in learning more about the Reconciliation Action Plan, please contact Aidan Message (Assistant Principal). 


Cycle 1 Reports and Student Progress Conferences


Cycle 1 Reports will be released to families via the Parent Portal on Compass at 3.00pm on Thursday 28th March and Student Progress Conference bookings will also open at this point.

Our Cycle 1 Student Progress Conferences will be conducted online on Wednesday 17th April from 1 – 8pm. Formal classes will not be run on this date. Students are expected to attend the online interviews with their parents/guardians.


The online interviews will be conducted via Webex. We will be using the same format that we have used in pervious years. Information on how to access the conferences using Webex on the 17th April, will be sent out early next term.  

Changes to Reporting Software


This year we are migrating our reports to the Compass reporting system. Our initial aim has been to match our reports to the existing format as closely as possible. However, not all features of the new software work exactly the same as the old one, so there will be some minor differences. We expect that there will be further minor changes made progressively as we better understand and can take advantage of the new system. The explanations on pages 2 and 3 of the report outline the new-look graphs and the meaning of specific letter codes. We hope you find the reports meaningful and easy to read, and look forward to meeting many of you at the student progress conferences early next term.


Chris Paragreen

Learning Specialist Information Technology