Science News

Vermont Secondary College

Year 12 Physics

On Friday the 8th of March, Vermont Secondary College’s delegation of 38 Year 12 Physics students joined approximately 500 students from around the state at Luna Park. 

A day of fun and learning, students were able to get the full experience of the forces, momentum transfers, and energy transformations that a classroom can only hope to replicate 

With a mixture of fear and excitement their first ride showed them what it meant to move in a circular path. 


They braved the ride and left excited for what the rest of the day had in store for them, some regretting the large breakfast that they had earlier that day. 

We had a wonderful time and we cannot thank them enough for exemplifying the Vermont values.

Mr Nguyen and Mr Serpant 

Year 8 Science

Some photos of Year 8’s making their solar ovens for the newsletter. 

They are making prototypes of solar ovens to see which design works best to use the suns power to cook a meal.


Year 8's experimenting with solar ovens with some of the Year 8's deciding to use a magnifying glass to cook a mars bar.

Year 11 Biology students are learning about DNA and are making DNA models from lollies, each lolly is a different nucleotide of the double helix. 


Two photos of more solar oven testing  

Some year 8's took on the challenge to create the ultimate water wheel, here 8S2 are testing one of their prototypes, they are using inspiration from nature to then change the design to increase kinetic energy.