Learning and Teaching

Learning & Teaching
Art Initiative 2024
Let's get Arty! St Mary's is celebrating the wonderful artists in our school and would like to encourage students to get arty by creating an art piece inspired by the monthly theme. Check out the flyer for the upcoming themes this semester and bring your pieces to the Art Teachers before the end of each month for judging!
Congratulations to our February Winners!
Ambika Phelan
Elena Shoesmith
Parker Trickett
Mrs Dicker & Mrs Walsh
Year 2
Year 2 Learners have been looking at the topic of ‘Being the Healthiest Versions of Themselves’ within our Inquiry unit. During this learning, we have been focusing on the importance of living a balanced life which includes, nutrition, sleep, physical activity, hydration and our emotional wellbeing. We were grateful that many parents and special guests were able to join in on our showcase. We celebrated the beginning of Lent with a Year 2 Liturgy, where many Learners stepped up to partake in readings and prayers. We also celebrated Dr Seuss with a day focussing on reading many of his books, rhyme and art work. We congratulate the Year 2’s on a wonderful start to Term 1.
Year 4
In year 4 this term we have been reading the book Wonder which is a story about a boy Auggie who goes to school for the first time. Auggie was born with facial differences which causes him to stand out in public and this story is about how he makes his way through middle school, makes friends, and learns to deal with a bully, and starts to understand himself as a person. As a part of this text we have explored Precepts which are important sayings or little life lessons or rules that we hear throughout the book. Here are some of the precepts we explored and what they meant to the children in 4JCH.
This story also ties in with our Inquiry unit this Term which is all about finding out who we are and our place in this space. In this unit we have explored our characteristics that make us who we are, what makes us unique, what makes us different and how to accept others' differences and to treat others as we want to ve treated.