Catholic Identity

Lenten Practices
How do you live out in your own life, the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving? What have you learned about yourself, your faith, and God through your Lenten practices?
Whether we decided to do something new this Lent, or have continued your own traditions, our Lenten practices transform us and imprint on us memories that carry deep meaning. Lent invites you to look into your life and discover your own powerful and meaningful Lenten moments.
Preparing our hearts is a process. We have to keep aware of the fact that grace comes from God. This is about God's great desire to bless us. With this mindset, it is easier for us to imagine that what we really want to do is place ourselves in a space to receive what God wants to give us.
Just imagine that the last week of Lent is going to be different from every other Lent we've experienced. Imagine that there will be many graces offered to us. Let's even imagine that God is going to help transform our lives, with greater freedom, greater joy, and deeper desires for love and service.
Gracious God,
You bless us each and every day,
We are afforded so much,
Help us to remember this.
To be grateful with moments of blessings,
To acknowledge Your divine presence within our lives.
To be guided in prayer and with our actions shaping us and deepening our faith.
Through the discipline of fasting and going without, taking away distractions, we turn towards You with renewed focus.
In almsgiving, we share, working towards justice and walking in solidarity with those less fortunate who are in need.
Through our Lenten pathways we discover our own moments of transformation and growth, as Your grace works within us, imparting meaningful purpose to our lives.
Help us to make every effort to integrate God’s Word and Jesus’ Gospel values into our lives.
Send over us the Spirit of Your Son, the Spirit of light and truth.