Learning News

Numeracy News Term 1, Week 7
This fortnight, Kindergarten students have been learning about representing whole number. We have been concentrating on identifying, writing and ordering numbers from 1-10. This has included having some fun with using numicon blocks. Numicon blocks are a great learning and visual tool for students to understand number values. We discovered when we ordered the coloured blocks in order from 1-10 that it created a staircase shape (a fantastic demonstration of how number value increase).
Fantastic work Kindergarten.
Miss Fraser
Year 1
This week in Year 1, the students have been learning about time through the use of calendars. This includes knowing the days of the week, months of the year, and how many days are in each month. They have learnt this information through singing, learning rhymes and exploring calendars- specifically the month of March as that is the month we are in and the students’ birthday months too. Well Done Year 1!
Mrs Gall & Miss Myers.
Year 2
In year 2, we have been learning how to tell the time by reading both analogue and digital clocks. We created our own clocks and by making quarter turns, learned how to use the terms 'quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’. The students loved being challenged by a variation of the game ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ by reading a digital clock and then making the time on their analogue clock. Great job year 2! Miss Rasche
Year 3/4
This week, Year 3/4 have been introduced to angles in Mathematics. Students identified the different parts of an angle and enjoyed making their own protractor using paper and paddlepop sticks. Year 3/4 then used these protractors to identify examples of angles in real-life and compare different types of angles. Students then applied their gained knowledge of angles to some football goal kicking practise to test the different angle size needed, depending on whereabouts they kick the goal from.
Great work this week, Year 3/4!
Miss Maunder
Year 5
For the past few weeks Year 5 have been learning about additive relations. In particular, we have focused on practising and using the most efficient addition and subtraction strategies when solving problems. Some examples of these strategies include the ‘levelling’ strategy and addition and ‘Using a Constant difference’ for subtraction.
What a fantastic week of Maths for Year 5!
Mr Beaumont.
Year 6
Year 6 has been learning to plot points on a coordinate plane, in all 4 quadrants. Students practised this skill by plotting points and joining them together to unveil shapes. They then applied their knowledge to assist spacecraft explorations. Fabulous work Year 6! - Miss Summerell
Learning News Week 8, Term 1 2024
Learning News
NAPLAN is now completed for the students in Years 3 and 5 for 2024 and they are to be commended for the effort they put in to doing their absolute best during the assessments. Some of the questions turned out to be quite difficult and our students showed perseverance and resilience when encountering difficulties, applying strategies they had been taught to make their best attempt. Well done everyone! Thank you also to Year 4 for their flexibility and cheerfulness in moving their learning space each time, while Year 3 sat NAPLAN in their regular classroom.
Meanwhile, our other students have been busy in their classrooms learning and practising a wide array of skills including identifying genres in literature, the purpose of a text and dynamics and time signatures in music. And of course everyone has been working hard on their Holy Week Liturgy that we are looking forward to showing you all next week.
Yours in learning,
Mrs Shepherd
Kindergarten have been very busy in their literacy block reading, writing and spelling. This week they have focused on the letter O - Ollie the Otter. The students brainstormed words that start with O (and it is very tricky to get 16 O words!) and then made a fantastic octopus with Miss Martin & Mrs Holden on Friday to celebrate our week’s learning.
Super work Miss Fraser and Kindergarten.
Year 1
To conclude our Science unit this term, Year 1 were asked to apply their new knowledge of forces, particularly push and pull, to design their own cardboard arcade game. Students first investigated other cardboard arcade games online, chose their group and started designing. Next they had to work cooperatively with their teammates and use materials and tools to create their game. We have learned that good scientists test their objects and evaluate them. This meant students had to decide if their game worked, was fun and safe, and how they could make their game even better. Year 1 has worked very hard and we are so impressed with their design and creative skills displayed this term! Amazing work Year 1! Miss Myers and Mrs Gall
Year 2
Year 2 have been reading ‘Sophie Scott Goes South’ by Alison Lester. It is a story of a nine year old girl named Sophie Scott, who travels to Antarctica with her Dad. When reading the story, the students put themselves in Sophie’s shoes and discuss how they would feel if they were Sophie and think about all the wonderful things she would see on her journey. The students did a quick write of how they would feel landing in Antarctica and stepping onto Antarctic ice for the first time. Students were challenged to write a simile in their piece of writing to help create an image for the audience. Some very clever writers in year 2! Keep up the great work. Miss Rasche
Year 3/4
This Term, Year 3/4 have been learning about the importance of making good food choices for their health and wellbeing. Students have recognised a variety of factors that influence food choices and have learnt how to read the nutritional information on the back of packets. Over this past week, Year 3/4 have explored foods from other cultures and then had the opportunity to create their own menu for three healthy meals. Fantastic work this week Year 3/4! - Miss Maunder
Year 5
Fore! Look out for Year 5’s Sphero Golf course. To finish off our fantastic time in creating and mapping our planned holes, Year 5 have tested their Sphero driving skills with a competition. Last Friday the students played the hole that they had created along with the ones of others, recording their scores as they played. We had an excellent time playing! Congratulations to Year 5 for their amazing designs and engagement with this activity- Mr Beaumont
Year 6
To introduce Year 6 to our unit on circuits, we went outside to create a representation of how a circuit works. We started by marking out a circuit on the tennis court and placing a small obstacle along the circuit. Students walked along the circuit maintaining their distance from the person in front and jumping over the obstacle. Students collected a counter from Miss Summerell and then gave the counter to Miss Todd as they jumped over the obstacle. We then discussed the various representations of the activity such as the:
- Tennis court lines representing wires.
- Obstacle representing the light globe.
- Teacher representing the battery.
- Students representing electrons.
- Counters represent the electrical energy.
Year 6 then applied this knowledge of how circuits work to experiment with building different circuits in class. Scientific work Year 6! - Miss Summerell