Assistant Principal

Student Progress Interviews

Student Progress Interviews will be held this term on the following dates:


Week 8 - Thursday 21 March - 11:00am - 7:00pm

These interviews will be held onsite and there will be no classes running on this day.


Week 9 - Tuesday 26 March - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

These interviews will be held remotely via Webex and the school will have a shortened day, with timetabled classes finishing at 2:30pm.


Bookings for interviews will open this week - 9:00am on Thursday 7 March.

Families are encouraged to book in early to ensure you can access your preferred times and dates. Note that some part-time staff will only be available on one of the scheduled days.


Bookings will close the day before each of the scheduled interviews.


For families that may be needing their Compass login reset, please contact your child's Sub-school.


First Aid and Administration of Medication

Link: First-Aid-Policy.pdf (

Link: Administration-of-Medication-Policy.pdf (


Eltham High School has a responsibility to provide first aid to members of the school community including students, staff and visitors to the school. Regular updates of medical conditions will be sought from parents and students to maintain an accurate and current record of all students with identified medical conditions.


If a student requires medication, it is strongly encouraged for the medication to be arranged to be taken outside of school hours. We will follow procedures set out in our policy Administration of Medication to safely manage any necessary provision of medication to students while at school or during school activities undertaken outside of the school grounds such as camps and excursions.


Anaphylaxis and Asthma

Link: Anaphylaxis-Management-Policy.pdf (

Link: Asthma-Policy.pdf (


Partnerships between schools and parents are important in managing and mitigating the risks of anaphylaxis and asthma. Eltham High School is committed to raising awareness and providing, as far as practicable, a safe and supportive environment in which students can participate equally in all aspects of schooling.

FRAN MULLINS, Assistant Principal