Prep Update

Prep A-Ms Lloyd
Prep B-Ms Rhimes
Prep C-Ms Herres
Prep D-Ms Papa
Prep E-Ms Christofis
Prep A-Ms Lloyd
Prep B-Ms Rhimes
Prep C-Ms Herres
Prep D-Ms Papa
Prep E-Ms Christofis

Upcoming learning: Term 2, Weeks 2 & 3

During the next fortnight, Prep students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:


Students will engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on the letter/sounds of /n/, /o/, /d/ and /g/ following the Little Learners Love Literacy sequence.

Students will also investigate a range of fairytales focusing on the characters, setting and sequencing the main events.

Writing Students will learn the correct letter formation of the letters /n/, /o//d/and /g/. They will also develop their ability to write CVC words using the letters and sounds we have learnt. 

Week 2: Students will learn to sequence the days of the week correctly and develop their ability to order familiar events. 

Week 3: Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of positional language (behind, in front of, between, next to etc.)



Our topic this term is 'Change'. 

This fortnight we will be looking at how school and different television shows have changed over time. 

Social and Emotional 

Week 2: Students will revisit the 'Zones of Regulation' and work through some scenarios. 

Week 3: Students will be focusing on 'honesty' and the importance of telling the truth and being honest. 

News and reminders: 

  • Blue Reader Bags- All students should have received their reader bags now.  Inside you will find a phonics book with our sounds and some words. We will soon be sending home heart words and decodable books for them to read. Please return the blue bags (with all of the items inside) to school every day. This way we can stick in new sounds and update them as needed. 
  • Fairytale Incursion Monday 29th April- Please ensure you have consented on Compass so your child can participate in this exciting event. 
  • Library Books- Please ensure your child is bringing back their library books. If they have outstanding returns they will not be allowed to borrow. 
  • Drink bottles - Please ensure your child brings a drink bottle to school every day. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room. 
  • Mother's Day Stall- Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th May. 
  • Mother's Day breakfast- Friday 10th May 

Celebration of learning:

Harmony Day people
Prep A working together
Making patterns in nature
Harmony Day people
Prep A working together
Making patterns in nature
Prep D making
patterns in nature
Prep D making
patterns in nature
Prep E creating
Prep E creating