Early Learning Centre

Ms Katrina
Ms Jessica
Ms Jacqui
Ms Betty
Ms Katrina
Ms Jessica
Ms Jacqui
Ms Betty

Our Learning 

During this fortnight in the 3 and 4 year old kindergarten, the children have been undertaking learning in the following areas: 

  • Learning to decipher what a book is about through looking closely at the cover illustration. 
  • Understanding properties of a book-Front cover, back cover, spine.
  • Borrowing books from the ELC Library to read at home
  • Letter recognition of name
  •  Reading name tags 
  • Developing a hand preference through drawing and painting experiences
  • Developing and refining fine motor skills through the use of playdough, threading and clay.
  • Exploring the concept of size (Small/medium/large) and ordering items accordingly 
  • Colour Mixing – primary colours through paints and light tables
  • Exploring the Unit of Inquiry: How we express ourselves through art
  •  Pipe cleaner exploration-Twisting, bending, shaping, joining
  • Exploring brush strokes and differen sized brushes
  • Drawing with grey leads, experimenting with line, shading, pressure of pencil. 
  • Learning property of materials without adhesives. Creating with paper-folding, rolling, scrunching.
Social & emotional learning
  • Continuing to build the children’s understanding of a range of emotions, how these appear through facial expressions and possible events that may lead to us feeling that way. 
  • Zones of regulation
  • Singing emotion songs
  • Exploring strategies to support regulation 

News and Reminders

  • Mothers and special others evening May 9th 4pm-6pm.
  • Kinder photos-May 13th-17th-Please prepay if you’d like photos taken.

Celebration of learning

Exploring the properties of paper.
Exploring colour mixing
Creating with pipe cleaners.
Manipulating and creating with clay.
Exploring the properties of paper.
Exploring colour mixing
Creating with pipe cleaners.
Manipulating and creating with clay.

Enrolments for free 3 and 4 year old sessional kindergarten. 

Enrol through Casey Council for Hillsmeade Kindergarten. 

Long Day Care enrolments with kindergarten is through the ELC office.

You can contact the ELC or pop in for a visit for enrolment inquires.

Phone: 9704 6313 - Option ELC

Email: elc@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au