Year 6 Update

Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkin
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil
Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkin
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil

Upcoming learning:

During the next fortnight, Year 6 students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Reading:  Students are reading Boy Overboard this term, in week 1 and 2 students will explore different cultural traditions.


Writing: Students are working on persuasive texts and learning about the features to make a strong argument.


Maths: Students are learning about the different properties of angles, triangles and quadrilaterals. In week 3 they will begin learning about time.


Inquiry: Preparing for MAD day by learning about cost, trade off, resources and consumer fads.


S.E.L:  Physical changes through puberty.


Term Homework: This term student will be working on their Empower Project. Please see the attachment for further details.


Reading Homework: Students are expected to read every night and log this in their diary with a signature from a parent/carer. These are to be handed into the teacher weekly.

News and Reminders:


Drink bottles: Please remember to bring a drink bottle to school every day. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room.

Maths in 6A

Debates in 6C

Year 6 Kindness Award

Star Students of the week