Year 5 Update
Upcoming Learning for Term 2, week 2&3
- Reading - To understand non-fiction texts
- Writing- To understand the planning process of an information report.
- Maths- To understand how to calculate the perimeter and area of shapes.
- Inquiry- To understand the United Nations and how to be a global citizen.
- Social and Emotional Learning-The Embrace program.
Hillsmeade Heroes
Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:
5A- Rang & Aiden
5B- Kyson & Ruby
5C- Tanya & Adu
5D- Yuvraj & Vaughn
5E- Lip & River
Multiplication Masters
Congratulations to the following students who have achieved Diplomas for their multiplication facts:
Nathaniel 5C
Ben M 5C
Adu 5C
Ben R 5C
Charlotte 5C
Evni 5C
Andrew 5C
100 Second Challenge
Aiden E 89
Iqbal H 89
Students participated in Survivor day in the last week of term. It was wonderful to see all the students showing the school values and displaying such enthusiasm towards the activities. The outfits, chants and sportsmanship was brilliant by all those who participated.
A focus of Year 5 is developing speed and fluency with multiplication facts. Students are encouraged to learn their multiplication and division facts to support them with other areas of Mathematics as the year progresses.
Reading each night is an ongoing expectation. Reading can be tracked in students' diaries or through Epic.
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