Year 3 Update
Upcoming learning: Term 2, Weeks 2 & 3
During the next fortnight, Year 3 students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:
Reading | Week 2 and 3: To understand figurative language. |
Writing | Week 2: To understand how to write shape poems. Week 3: To understand how to write Cinquain poems. |
Maths | Week 2: To understand addition. Week 3: To understand multiplication. |
| Week 2: To understand what man-made landmarks are. Week 3: To understand and explore the climate and flora and fauna of Australia. |
Social and Emotional | Week 2: To identify positive coping strategies when faced with strong emotions. Week 3: To understand differences. |
News and reminders
Hats: Just a reminder students are still required to wear hats outside until the end of April.
Homework books: Please remind your child to being their homework books in to their teacher on their day. See the class compass page or ask the teacher if you are unsure of the correct day.
Celebration of learning